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As we look forward to the screening and debate around the film Expelled at Imperial College London on Sat 27th Feb (See for info on extra screening & debate) two of the panellists join Justin to debate Intelligent Design.
Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at Warwick University. He features as a pro ID advocate in the film "Expelled" and was an expert witness in the USA "Dover Trial" of 2005 when ID was judged non-scientific.
Thomas Dixon is Senior Lecturer in History at Queen Mary University of London. He is critical of the film and the ID movement.
For Steve Fuller see
For his book "Dissent over Descent" click here
For his forthcoming book "Science: the art of living" Click here
For Thomas Dixon see
For his book "Science and Religion: a very short introduction" Click Here
Hear more faith debate at or get the podcast or via Itunes
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Unbelievable? 16 Jan 2010 - "Expelled" the Movie - Intelligent Design theorist Stephen Meyer vs. Atheist scientist Peter Atkins debate Intelligent Design
Unbelievable? 27 Jun 2009 - "Is Christian faith at odds with science?" Atheist biologist PZ Myers & Christian biologist Denis Alexander
For tickets to the newly added screening and debate on Sat 27th Feb at 6.30pm visit
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