Unbelievable? 6 Feb 2010 - Do we need God to do Science? Steve Fuller & Thomas Dixon


As we look forward to the screening and debate around the film Expelled at Imperial College London on Sat 27th Feb (See www.premier.org.uk/expelled for info on extra screening & debate) two of the panellists join Justin to debate Intelligent Design.
Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at Warwick University.  He features as a pro ID advocate in the film "Expelled" and was an expert witness in the USA "Dover Trial" of 2005 when ID was judged non-scientific.
Thomas Dixon is Senior Lecturer in History at Queen Mary University of London.  He is critical of the film and the ID movement.
For Steve Fuller see http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~sysdt/Index.html
For his book "Dissent over Descent" click here
For his forthcoming book "Science: the art of living" Click here
For Thomas Dixon see http://www.history.qmul.ac.uk/staff/dixont.html
For his book "Science and Religion: a very short introduction" Click Here
Hear more faith debate at www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes
If you enjoyed this show you may also enjoy:
Unbelievable? 16 Jan 2010 - "Expelled" the Movie - Intelligent Design theorist Stephen Meyer vs. Atheist scientist Peter Atkins debate Intelligent Design
Unbelievable? 27 Jun 2009 - "Is Christian faith at odds with science?" Atheist biologist PZ Myers & Christian biologist Denis Alexander
For tickets to the newly added screening and debate on Sat 27th Feb at 6.30pm visit www.premier.org.uk/expelled

Released on 5 Jun 2014

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