Unbelievable? 27 Feb 2010 - Faith in Britain - Andrew Copson of the BHA vs David Robertson


A year ago the British Humanist Association launched the "Atheist Bus Campaign" declaring "There is probably no God.  Now stop worrying and enjoy your life".
Would we enjoy life and be less worried without belief in God in modern Britain?  Where do humanist values come from? What about the role of faith in school and society?  Their latest poster campaign urges that children should not be "labelled" with a faith position.
Andrew Copson Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association discusses the issues with Scottish minister and apologist David Robertson.
For the BHA see http://www.humanism.org.uk
For David Robertson see http://www.stpeters-dundee.org.uk/davidblog
For more Christian/Non-Christian debate visit http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable of get the podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or via Itunes
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Unbelievable? 19 Sep 2009 - "Would Europe be better off as an atheistic or Christian society?" David Robertson, Ed Turner & Richard Morgan
Unbelievable? 2 Aug 2008 - Faith & School - do they mix? Jan Ainsworth & Andrew Copson debate.
Check out the "Unbelievable?" TV debate on "Christian Origins" that won Gold at the 2010 Christian Broadcasting Council Awards here. http://player.premier.tv//Premiertv.aspx?AssetId=23b04461-0eec-4668-bc56-b93d6df14693
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Released on 5 Jun 2014

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