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This week: As part of Premier Radio's coverage of National Marriage Week we look at two different Christian views of Divorce and Remarriage.
Andrew Cornes is Vicar of All Saints Crowborough. He holds to the traditional understanding that Jesus taught divorce is only permissible for adultery, and that the Bible forbids remarriage.
David Instone-Brewer is a New Testament scholar from Tyndale House Cambridge. He believes the church has misunderstood Jesus teaching on divorce. He claims that Jesus was responding to "any cause" divorce - a Rabbinical view of divorce popular at the time.
They debate the Biblical and pastoral issues involved.
For David Instone-Brewer visit
For his book "Divorce and Remarriage in the Church" (Paternoster) Click here
For Andrew Cornes visit
For his book "Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical Principle and Pastoral Practise" (Christian Focus) Click here
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