Unbelievable? 16 Jan 2010 - "Expelled" The Movie - Stephen C Meyer vs. Peter Atkins


The documentary film "Expelled" is presented by US Actor Ben Stein and makes the case that scientists who question Darwinian orthodoxy and support Intelligent Design are being "expelled" from academia.
As the UK edition of the DVD is released we ask "Is freedom of thought at stake or is Intelligent Design out of bounds when it comes to biological science?"
Stephen C Meyer is co founder of the Discovery Institute in the USA and a major proponent of Intelligent Design.  Peter Atkins is Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University and an outspoken atheist.
They both feature in "Expelled" and join Justin to debate the pros and cons of Intelligent Design theory.
Mark Haville who is bringing the film to the UK also joins the discussion.
You can order Expelled the DVD (UK edition) at Amazon Play.com and HMV (click for direct links) or via http://www.christianvideos.co.uk/
For details & booking for the Unbelievable? Screening of "Expelled" and debate at Imperial College London in February visit www.premier.org.uk/expelled
For Stephen C Meyer's book visit http://www.signatureinthecell.com/

For info on Peter Atkins visit http://www.secularism.org.uk/prof.peteratkins.html
For more Christian/non Christian debate visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast at http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or via Itunes
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Released on 5 Jun 2014

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