Faith In Parents #143 | Growing Up: I have a valuable body


Ian Henderson helps us to navigate the internet, explaining that it is like a city; full of places to take our children, so much to see and do, but there are murky places where we would never leave our children to explore alone.A recent report said that 10% of kids have seen inappropriate online images before the age of 9, rising to 27% by 13. Various studies say the average age for seeing those images for the 1st time is about 11 years old.As parents we want to help them respond wisely when - not if - this situation arises. Ian gives us the 3 T's and helps us think through the bigger picture, giving practical steps to follow.People:Ed Drew  is the director of Faith in Kids.Amy Smith is a writer for Faith in Kids.Ian Henderson established the Naked Truth Project in 2013 in Manchester, UK an initiative of Visible . He set out to open eyes & free lives from the damaging impact of pornography through awareness, education and recovery programmes. Other resources:The Naked Truth project. Plus NT Church App is available for church leaders and youth leaders on the App - help for parents in navigating internet filters and controls.The Fortify App & website - great secular support for pornography addiction.Fight the New Drug  - a non-religious organisation raising awareness of the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts.Support the show

Released on 12 Jun 2024

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