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There is an angel in every child!You heard it here first, from an expert. David McKie is a Director of Europe's largest Mental Health Trust. He says he has the best job in the world because he gets to listen to teens for 45 minutes at a time. He is a wildly experienced Child Psychologist and he knows stuff about how our children's minds and hearts work (and what is happening when it seems like they're not).And yet, this is a comforting listen. He sees a better way forward with groundbreaking wisdom such as, 'if you have two ears then listen to your child' and 'however badly your relationship with your child is going, there will be 15 minutes each day when they are listening.' Boom!Join us as we talk big emotions, strong feelings and listening well.People:Ed Drew is the director of Faith in Kids.Amy Smith is a writer for Faith in Kids.David McKee is is a Director of Europe's largest Mental Health Hospital.Other resources:Videos from David McKie.How thinking affects our well-beingMr Worry's Thinking Part 1Mr Worry's Thinking Part 2Mr Worry's Thinking Part 3a and Mr Worry's Thinking Part 3bSupport the show
Released on 10 Jul 2024
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