Faith In Parents #146 | Growing Up: We live what we believe


Living out our beliefs is a place of integrity and strength as an adult. But as parents, do we want that for our children?Would we prefer our children to shine like stars or to blend in like a chameleon?Their well-meaning conversations in the school playground can easily lead to us clearing up the relational debris from their clumsy courage. How distinctive do we really want our families to be?Join us as we talk to Jennifer Kvamme author of 'More to the Story'. After years of ministry amongst teens she has written this book to guide them through desire, relationships, identity and peer pressure. We need this because these conversations are only ever going to be tricky!People:Ed Drew  is the director of Faith in Kids.Amy Smith is a writer for Faith in Kids.Jennifer Kvamme has been in youth ministry for 20 years at Centennial Church in Forest Lake, Minnesota. She is also on the director team for the Challenge Youth Conference. Jennifer is the author of More to the Story and a contributor to the EFCA blog. She’s married to Greg and they have three children.Support the show

Released on 24 Jul 2024

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