Life Study of the Bible

Life-study of the Bible is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. The ministry of Watchman Nee has been nourishing and edifying seeking believers throughout the earth for over 70 years. In 1962 Witness Lee, a close co-worker of Watchman Nee in China, brought this ministry to the United States, where he continued to minister the riches of God’s Word until he went to be with the Lord in 1997. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at

Weekdays from 8pm

An Unshakable Kingdom

6 Dec 2023

What is the unshakeable kingdom we have received in Heb. 12:28? Witness Lee provides a clear definition and sober warning regarding the reality and the manifestation of the kingdom.

A Contrast Between the Sight of the Old Covenant and the Scene of the New Covenant

5 Dec 2023

Two sceneries are contrasted in Heb. 12:18-24 – one is earthly and physical and the other is heavenly and spiritual. Join us as we explore a very exciting subject in today’s broadcast.

Do Not Fall Away from Grace

4 Dec 2023

In today’s Life-study on Heb. 12:15-16, Witness Lee provides an enlarged, rich view of grace, and explains practically what it means to fall away from grace.

Not Eternal Perdition, but Dispensational Punishment (Highlight Broadcast)

26 Nov 2023

This week’s highlight is taken from Thursday’s broadcast. The sober warnings in Hebrews must be applied not to eternal salvation or perdition but to the matter of dispensational punishment at the judgement seat of Christ. Join us to examine this crucial truth in the scriptures, as we come to Heb. 10:27-31.

Not Eternal Perdition, but Dispensational Punishment (Highlight Broadcast)

26 Nov 2023

This week’s highlight is taken from Thursday’s broadcast. The sober warnings in Hebrews must be applied not to eternal salvation or perdition but to the matter of dispensational punishment at the judgement seat of Christ. Join us to examine this crucial truth in the scriptures, as we come to Heb. 10:27-31.

The Kingdom Reward and the Gaining of the Soul

24 Nov 2023

Listen to part two of the message began yesterday, concerning the matter of dispensational punishment contrasted to eternal perdition. Today we will see a development of this related to the gaining of the soul.

Not Eternal Perdition, but Dispensational Punishment

23 Nov 2023

Today’s broadcast focuses on Heb. 10:27-31. The sober warnings in Hebrews must be applied not to eternal salvation or perdition but to the matter of dispensational punishment at the judgement seat of Christ. Join us to examine this crucial truth in the scriptures.

Come Forward to the Holy of Holies and Do Not Shrink Back to Judaism

22 Nov 2023

Four times in the book of Hebrews Paul exhorts the believers to come forward. In today’s Life-study, Witness Lee expounds this marvellous phrase and looks at the fourth warning to the Hebrew believers in chapter 10:19-39.

Christ’s Sacrifices Replacing and Terminating Those of the Old Covenant

21 Nov 2023

This Life-study expounds Paul’s supplementary conclusion in Heb. 10:1-18. Christ’s all-inclusive sacrifice dealt thoroughly with all our sins once for all, and He is now imparting Himself as the divine life into all our inward parts to fulfil His eternal economy.

The Two Manifestations of Christ

20 Nov 2023

In today’s broadcast we come to Heb. 9:26-28, concerning the two manifestations of Christ. Witness Lee details what Christ did, what He is doing and what He will do to accomplish His eternal purpose.

A Merciful and Faithful High Priest

15 Nov 2023

This week’s highlight is taken from Tuesday’s broadcast. At the end of chapter two, the Lord Jesus is wondrously described as a merciful and faithful High Priest. In this broadcast, Witness Lee opens up Hebrews 2:17-18 and reviews His qualifications to be our High Priest.

Partners of Christ

13 Nov 2023

Why does the eternal and all-powerful God need partners (3:14)? Witness Lee unfolds the surprising revelation to our natural concept of how God needs man to carry out His eternal purpose to gain a corporate expression of Himself.

The New Covenant

12 Nov 2023

This week’s highlight is taken from Friday’s broadcast. What is the new covenant? On this Life-study, Witness Lee expounds the deep significance of the new covenant (Heb. 8:10-12) with its four promises that have become accomplished facts and bequests for us to now receive and enjoy.

The New Covenant

10 Nov 2023

What is the new covenant? On this Life-study, Witness Lee expounds the deep significance of the new covenant (Heb. 8:10-12) with its four promises that have become accomplished facts and bequests for us to now receive and enjoy.

A Heavenly Minister with a More Excellent Ministry

9 Nov 2023

Today on Life-study of the Bible we begin a portion that unveils how Christ’s new covenant is superior to the old covenant (Heb. 8:1-10:18). We will see some striking comparisons between Hebrews and Romans, and how Christ is carrying out a more excellent ministry in ascension.

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