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Relationships in the kingdom is the focus of today’s programme (Matt 18:1-4, 15-18). How we live and act with others play a major role in determining our standing in the kingdom. Witness Lee provides an accurate diagnosis of five negative items residing in believers, which need to be dealt with before the Lord.
Released on 30 Jan 2025
Listen to our second programme covering practical relationships in the kingdom (Matt. 18:21-35). Witness Lee gives a sobering word, showing how if we fail to forgive others after receiving God’s forgiveness, we place ourselves in serious jeopardy when we meet the Lord. The practical way to be able to forgive others from our heart is also opened up. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at
This week’s highlight is taken from Monday’s programme. Immediately after receiving the highest revelation concerning Christ and the church, the apostle Peter was rebuked as Satan. What could possibly account for this dramatic reversal? We examine how Peter’s soul-life, self and natural opinion become involved with God’s enemy, the pathway of the cross, and consider the genuine experience of the cross in our daily life (Matt 16:21-27).
What are three requirements for entering into the kingdom? According to Matt 19:1-22, lust, pride and the love of riches are three “scorpions” that must be dealt with - or we will not be living in the reality of the kingdom today, nor participate in the future manifestation of the kingdom. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at
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