Life Study of the Bible

Weekdays from 8pm


Man's Unrighteousness and God's Righteousness

The final day of Christ’s human life is the topic of today’s Life-study and...

Man's Unrighteousness and God's Righteousness

The final day of Christ’s human life is the topic of today’s Life-study. We...

Judged, Crucified and Buried

Today’s programme focuses on Christ’s crucifixion in Matthew 27. The unrigh...

A Test to All the People and the Establishing of the Kingdom

This Life-study expounds the last ever Passover feast and institution of th...

Prophecy of the Kingdom (7)

How will the Gentile nations who are alive at the Lord’s return be judged?...

Prophecy of the Kingdom (4) [Highlight Programme]

This week’s highlight is taken from Tuesday’s programme. What is the crucia...