
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Paradoxology - Krish Kandiah & Tony Smollet

26 Jun 2014

Krish Kandiah is a speaker and author passionate about church mission. His latest book is Paradoxology: Why Christianity was Never Meant to be Simple. He aims to show why some of the paradoxes of Christian faith can be a path to truth. He engages wi....

Does the Bible support modern science? Jeff Zweerink & Steve Jones

26 Jun 2014

Jeff Zweerink is a Christian Physicist with Reasons To Believe and will be speaking at this year's Unbelievable? the Conference www.premier.org.uk/reasonablefaith Steve Jones is a Emeritus Professor of genetics at UCL and author of 'The Serpent's Pr....

Hans Kung vs Peter D Williams - Does the Catholic Church need to modernise?

26 Jun 2014

As Pope Francis enters his second year of papacy, Justin is joined by Hans Kung, one of the most influential and controversial Catholic theologians in the world. He debates his radical liberalising ideas for the future of Catholicism with traditional...

Peter Boghossian vs Tim McGrew - A manual for creating atheists

26 Jun 2014

Peter Boghossian teaches philosophy and is the author of 'A Manual for Creating Atheists'. He believes that faith is a 'false epistemology' (way of knowing things) and even describes it as a 'virus of the mind'. Tim McGrew is a Christian philosophy ....

Healing on the Streets debate - David John & Geoff Lillis - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

David John leads an under-the-radar healing ministry to Muslims in the Middle East. He discusses the evidence for healing with atheist Geoff Lillis who he recently spent an evening with in Dublin on a night of healing encounters. Justin also plays o....

Did they mishear God in the Old Testament? Chalke vs Wilson Bible Debate #2 Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

The second of 4 podcast specials in which Oasis church leader Steve Chalke debates his view of Scripture with Andrew Wilson of New Frontiers They discuss whether God really struck people down in both the Old and New Testament. Book for Unbelievable?....

Did God punish Jesus on the cross? Chalke vs Wilson Bible debate #3 Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

In their 3rd debate church leaders Steve Chalke and Andrew Wilson debate the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement. Chalke famously described the concept of God punishing Jesus as 'cosmic child abuse'. Book for Unbelievable? The Conference 2014...

Are same-sex relationships allowed? Chalke vs Wilson Bible debate #4 Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

After changing to a gay affirming stance, Steve Chalke's Oasis Trust has been dismissed from the UK Evangelical Alliance. In this final exchange Steve Chalke and Andrew Wilson of New Frontiers debate the scriptural and pastoral issues on both sides ....

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus - Nabeel Qureshi & Nazam Gufoor - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

Nabeel Qureshi grew up in a Muslim family but converted to Christianity after investigating the historical case for Christ. He debates Muslim Nazam Gufoor on whether the truth of Christianity or Islam is best supported by the evidence. Book for Unbe....

Chalke vs Wilson Bible Debate #1 - Does Scripture contain errors? Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

UK church leader Steve Chalke's Oasis Trust was recently dismissed from the Evangelical Alliance UK due to their stance affirming same-sex relationships In the first of 4 podcast specials, Steve Chalke debates his view of Scripture with Andrew Wilson...

Greg Boyd & Andrew Whyte discuss doubt and faith - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

Greg Boyd is pastor of Woodland Hills Church, Minnesota. In his new book "The Benefit of the Doubt" he explains how he lost and regained his faith, and the difference between commitment and certainty. He discusses his journey with Andrew Wh...

The Turin Shroud - a relic of the resurrection? Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

The Turin Shroud has been an enigma for hundreds of years. In a special Good Friday feature Justin Brierley spoke to those who claim the evidence shows the shroud is the burial cloth of Christ, and its image a result of the resurrection itself. Justi...

Noah and the Flood - 3 perspectives debate - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

With the release of the epic film 'Noah' starring Russell Crowe, Justin is joined by three different perspectives on the Biblical story of the flood. Tim Chaffey of Answers In Genesis holds a Young Earth view and is involved in their Ark Encounter p....

Tim Keller on life, faith and suffering - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

Tim Keller leads Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York with several thousand in weekly attendance. In an Easter special, Tim talks to Justin and answers listener questions about his life, faith and ministry. They also discuss his latest book 'Wal....

'How Jesus became God' debate Pt 1 - Bart Ehrman vs Simon Gathercole - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman's latest explosive book How Jesus Became God claims that the early Church turned Christ into the son of God, but Jesus himself never believed it and nor did his first followers. Cambridge scholar Simon Gathercole ha....