Who invented the universe? Alister McGrath & Jim Al-Khalili


Theologian Alister McGrath's new book 'Inventing The Universe' weaves his own story of conversion from atheism to Christianity while studying science as a student, into the questions that modern science continues to provoke around God, atheism and meaning.

Physicist and radio presenter Jim Al-Khalili is the president of the British Humanist Association. Jim interacts with Alister on whether science excludes God, whether theism makes most sense of the nature of our universe and what it would take for him to abandon his atheism and believe.

For Inventing the Universe: https://www.hodder.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9781444798470

For Alister McGrath: http://alistermcgrath.weebly.com/

For Jim Al-Khalili: http://www.jimal-khalili.com/

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Released on 9 Oct 2015

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