
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Has science explained away God? David Glass, Peter Atkins & James Croft

13 Nov 2015

Some atheists say that, as scientific explanations for the natural world multiply, God has become unnecessary as an explanation. David Glass who is researching the objection says this is not the case. God can act as an explanation alongside scientifi...

Can we build a godless, flourishing society? Alex Gabriel & Rich Park

6 Nov 2015

Alex Gabriel is an atheist and Rich Park is a Christian. They enjoyed lengthy conversations in the pub while they were students at Oxford University. In this edition of the show we swap the pub for the studio and address the question of whether it’s...

2 views on suffering – Warfare vs Blueprint – Kurt Jaros & Ken Brownell

30 Oct 2015

Is suffering planned as part of God’s sovereign will? Or is God not to blame, as suffering is the result of an ongoing cosmic spiritual battle? Ken Brownell is a Calvinist pastor and seminary teacher believes the ‘blueprint’ model – that both good an...

Is God the best explanation for apparent design in nature? – Jonathan McLatchie & Cory Markum

23 Oct 2015

Jonathan McLatchie is a Christian currently studying cell biology at PhD level and an advocate of Intelligent Design (ID). Cory Markum is an atheist and a blogger at the Atheist Republic website. Cory critiques whether design and God are a good expl...

Revisiting the resurrection - Ed Atkinson vs Tony Costa

16 Oct 2015

Ex-Christian Ed Atkinson has been investigating the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus following the "Summer of Scripture" debate between James Crossley and Gary Habermas. He revisits the "minimal facts" argument for the resur...

Who invented the universe? Alister McGrath & Jim Al-Khalili

9 Oct 2015

Theologian Alister McGrath's new book 'Inventing The Universe' weaves his own story of conversion from atheism to Christianity while studying science as a student, into the questions that modern science continues to provoke around God, atheism and me...

Do Mormons believe in Grace? Bill McKeever & James Holt

2 Oct 2015

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) differs from mainstream Christianity in various ways. Some Christians, including Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry, say that LDS believers have an unbiblical view of Grace - the f...

Homo Naledi and the Adam & Eve debate

25 Sep 2015

Homo Naledi is one of the most significant hominin (human ancestor) fossil discoveries in history. But what are the implication of these hominid species in the evolutionary record for creation, and Adam and Eve? Fuz Rana of Reasons To Believe expla.....

Up the Ladder in Hyde Park – Muslim & Christians in debate

18 Sep 2015

The feature “Up the Ladder in Hyde Park”, originally broadcast in 2008, sees Justin meet Muslims and Christians engaged in rowdy debates at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London. Can these shouting matches be fruitful? Are they Christ-like? Justin m....

Can Christians & atheists stop fighting? Randal Rauser & Alom Shaha

11 Sep 2015

Christian theologian Randal Rauser's new book "Is the atheist my Neighbour?" says that Christians often fail to extend respect and love towards atheists. Atheist contributor Alom Shaha interacts with Randal as they discuss the good, the ba...

Should China’s future be atheistic humanism or Christianity? John Lombard vs David Marshall

4 Sep 2015

China is experiencing rapid Christian growth, with more Christian believers today than members of the Chinese Communist party. John Lombard is an ex-Christian and David Marshall is a Christian apologist. Both work in China. John believes that, desp....

The Rainbow Through The Rain – A POW’s story in the Far East

2 Sep 2015

The Rainbow Through The Rain tells the story of Geoffrey Mowat, the grandfather of Justin Brierley. Geoff was a Prisoner of War under the Japanese during World War 2, which included time spent under brutal conditions in the construction of Burma’s ‘D...

Can atheists have Meaning without God? Michael Ruse & Andy Bannister

28 Aug 2015

Atheist philosopher Michael Ruse joins Justin as we spend a second week looking at Andy Bannister’s new book ‘The atheist who didn’t exist’. Its amusingly titled chapters include ‘The Peculiar Case of the Postmodern Penguin (or: Why Life without Go....

Is atheism a belief system? Andy Bannister vs Ed Turner

21 Aug 2015

Andy Bannister is the author of ‘The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist’. Its amusingly titled chapters include ‘The Scandinavian sceptic (or: Why atheism is really a belief system)’. Atheist Ed Turner last did battle with Andy several years ago on the show.....

The case from science for & against God – Peter Atkins vs Zachary Ardern

14 Aug 2015

Young Christian biologist Zahary Ardern goes up against longstanding atheist scientist Peter Atkins as each present their case for and against God. Does science reveal a universe best explained as the product of a creative, intelligent, mind or a un....