How I lost my child but kept my faith - Jessica Kelley


In a New Year's Eve special, Justin interviews two women involved in theology and apologetics in different ways. 
Jessica Kelley describes the heart-breaking story of losing her 4 year old son Henry to brain cancer. She also explains how adopting a "warfare" view of suffering gave her a theological framework for trusting God through the pain, as described in her new book 'Lord Willing?'.
Read her interview in Premier Christianity magazine here:
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Justin's second guest is Sarah Foster who works in evangelism to Muslims with Pfander Centre for Apologetics. She talks about her own faith journey and why she is spearheading youth resources to help a younger Christian generation who are being challenged by their Muslim counterparts, especially in the black church community.
For Jessica Kelley and 'Lord Willing? Wrestling with God's role in my child's death':
For Sarah Foster and Pfander Apologetics:  
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Released on 31 Dec 2016

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