
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

William Lane Craig answers your questions on God, universalism and the best atheist arguments

11 Dec 2020

Renowned Christian philosopher William Lane Craig joins Justin and Ruth for a live-stream show taking audience questions on salvation, God, atheism, evidence, and much more. For William Lane Craig: https://www.reasonablefaith.org USA listeners check...

Classic Replay: Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose? Denis Alexander & Stephen Lloyd

8 Dec 2020

Denis Alexander author of 'Creation or Evolution: Do we have to choose?' defends theistic evolution opposite creationist Stephen Lloyd. Originally broadcast Nov 2008. USA listeners check out our new USA website for resources, updates and to support u...

Is the God of the Bible a capriciously malevolent, misogynistic, sadomasochistic bully? Dan Barker vs Martin Kuhrt

4 Dec 2020

Richard Dawkins famously describes the God of the Old Testament as ‘jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicida...

Classic Replay: Dawkins vs Lennox - the Oxford debate

1 Dec 2020

In this classic replay Justin interviews Richard Dawkins, John Lennox and audience members following their highly anticipated God debate at Oxford's Natural History Museum in 2008. USA listeners check out our new USA website for resources, updates an...

When leaders fall. Karen Swallow Prior & RC Sproul Jr on recent high-profile moral failings.

27 Nov 2020

In recent years, numerous high-profile Christian leaders have resigned following revelations of moral failure, including Carl Lentz, Jerry Falwell Jr and Bill Hybels. Others have posthumously been subject to allegations of sexual misconduct, includin...

Classic Replay: The Atheist Bus Campaign - Ariane Sherine, Paul Woolley and Hanne Stinson

25 Nov 2020

Welcome to a new mid-week episode from Unbelievable? bringing you a taste of classic shows from our archive.  In this episode from Nov 2008 Justin speaks to Ariane Sherine who created the Atheist Bus Campaign in London. He's also joined by Paul Wooll...

Intelligent Design on trial. 15 years on from Kitzmiller-Dover – Mike Behe and Joshua Swamidass

20 Nov 2020

In 2005 a high profile trial saw the Dover School District taken to court for promoting Intelligent Design (ID) as an alternative theory to evolution in classrooms. 15 years on Mike Behe a prominent biochemist and ID advocate who took the stand as a...

Was Jesus a great moral teacher or something more? Julian Baggini and Skye Jethani

13 Nov 2020

Atheist philosopher Julian Baggini and Christian author Skye Jethani discuss whether the teachings of Jesus Christ can be separated from his claims to divinity. For Julian’s new book The Godless Gospel https://www.julianbaggini.com/the-godless-gospel...

Conversion and de-conversion: Why atheists become Christians and Christians become atheists. Jana Harmon and Joel Furches

6 Nov 2020

Justin talks to Jana Harmon about her PhD research on adult atheist conversion to Christianity and presents stories from her new ‘Side B Podcast’. Joel Furches, who is researching de-conversion, also joins the conversation. For The Side B Podcast: ht...

Is raising kids Christian indoctrination? Hannah Timson and Tim Alford

30 Oct 2020

Richard Dawkins once said that bringing up children in a particular faith is tantamount to child abuse. We invited humanist Hannah Timson and Christian Tim Alford to discuss this issue.  You can find Tim Alford on Twitter and Instagram at @RevTimAlfo...

Prof Alister McGrath answers your Qs on science, faith, doubt, CS Lewis, Dawkins and more

23 Oct 2020

Oxford professor Alister McGrath recently joined Justin, Lucy and Ruth for a livestream to take listener questions on science and faith and to talk about his new memoir ’Through a Glass Darkly’.  For 'Through a Glass Darkly': https://www.hachette.co....

Is Critical Race Theory compatible with Christianity? Neil Shenvi & Rasool Berry

16 Oct 2020

'Critical Race Theory’ is a way of understanding racism through the dynamics of oppressed and oppressor groups. Neil Shenvi believes its worldview is at odds with the Gospel and is concerned at its embrace in evangelical circles.  Rasool Berry, teach...

Should Christians vote for Donald Trump? Eric Metaxas vs David French

9 Oct 2020

Christian commentator David French debates Christian radio host and author Eric Metaxas on whether Christians should vote for Donald Trump in the US Elections in November. With thanks to John Brown University’s Center for Faith and Flourishing who ho...

Where is God in all the suffering? Amy Orr-Ewing and Jon Steingard

2 Oct 2020

Amy Orr-Ewing, co-director of OCCA and author of ‘Where Is God In All The Suffering?’, discusses the problem of pain with Jon Steingard, whose own doubts around Christian faith were triggered by seeing the suffering of children in Uganda. For ‘Where...

Debating Wrath, Sin and Penal Substitution – William Lane Craig and Greg Boyd

26 Sep 2020

Did God punish Jesus in our place on the cross? William Lane Craig’s new book ‘Atonement and the Death of Christ’ is a major new defence of Penal Substitutionary Atonement. He discusses the doctrine of atonement with Greg Boyd who has been a critic o...