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First broadcast July 2010. From shamanism, hallucenogenic drugs, out-of-body experiences, to being "filled with the Spirit". Christian author and barrister Charles Foster draws on these and many more to examine the biological evidence of what happens when people claim supernatural experiences.
He debates atheist psychologist Susan Blackmore on these issues, consciousness and religious experience.
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Released on 29 Jun 2021
Debate has raged over the timeline of Christ's return. Daniel Goepfrich holds to 'premillennialism' - that Christ will return before a 1000 year reign of peace, Chris Date holds to 'amillennialism' - that there will be no literal 1000 year reign. ...
First broadcast in July 2010. Is belief in the supernatural inherent from birth? Is Christianity a psychological crutch or a path to emotional wholeness? Is God belief simply a result of evolution? Would it make belief untrue if it were? These a...
Revelation is one of the most mysterious and strange books in the Bible. Is it mapping out end times events? Is it just tripping? Or is it something else? Brett Davis, author of 'See The Strange: The Gospel according to Revelation' and Glenn Packia.....
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