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Prayer is more than “a shopping list in the heavenly supermarket,” says Jill Briscoe. In this heartfelt message featuring examples from her own experiences in addition to those of Elijah, Jill explains that God wants us to talk with Him, and to ask for things we know He wants to have happen, too. In good times or bad, God loves it when we come to Him in prayer.
Scripture: 1 Kings 17 - 19, James 5:13 - 5:18
Released on 11 Oct 2023
In this message, Stuart Briscoe walks you through the Lord’s Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount to explain how to pray and what to pray. This message will give you the confidence you need to step into a vibrant life of prayer and intimacy with Jesus. Scripture: Matthew 6:5 - 6:15
In practice, hope orients our lives around a better future. That is not to be escapist about the present but because there is a better future. And whatever we are going through now, there is a better future ultimately that we are going to experience and enjoy. In this message, Charles Price looks at the hope of heaven and what we know about it—the place, permanence, and perfection of heaven in the little revealed about it in Scripture. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3 - 1:5
In practice, hope orients our lives around a better future. That is not to be escapist about the present but because there is a better future. And whatever we are going through now, there is a better future ultimately that we are going to experience and enjoy. In this message, Charles Price looks at the hope of heaven and what we know about it—the place, permanence, and perfection of heaven in the little revealed about it in Scripture. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3 - 1:5
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