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In practice, hope orients our lives around a better future. That is not to be escapist about the present but because there is a better future. And whatever we are going through now, there is a better future ultimately that we are going to experience and enjoy. In this message, Charles Price looks at the hope of heaven and what we know about it—the place, permanence, and perfection of heaven in the little revealed about it in Scripture.
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3 - 1:5
Released on 17 Oct 2023
Relationships need nurturing, and that takes time and effort. It’s the same with God. You may have been introduced to Him, and even initiated a relationship with Him, but how well do you really know Him? Scripture: Isaiah 1
Imagine opening a door to heaven and seeing God on His glorious throne. That’s something the prophet Isaiah was blessed to see, and it changed his understanding of God forever! In this message, Jill Briscoe highlights God’s life-changing character as revealed in Isaiah’s heavenly vision—encouraging you to answer His call in faith and worship. Scripture: Isaiah 6:1 - 6:11
In many of the remaining monarchies, the kings and queens are much beloved by their people, but they have very little real power. Sadly, many believers relate to Jesus the same way. They proclaim Jesus to be King of Kings and the Lord of their lives, but they make all the decisions! When we let Christ truly reign, amazing things happen. Scripture: Isaiah 32
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