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Stuart Briscoe Series: A Lifetime of Wisdom An educated man is one who has learned how to learn and never stops learning. But it’s important to note that spiritual wisdom differs from earthly wisdom because spiritual wisdom comes from the Spirit of Christ—from heaven. Scripture: Colossians 1:9 - 1:10 , Proverbs 1:1 - 1:6
Released on 13 Jul 2023
While here on earth, Jesus himself sought communion with God through prayer. His disciples were to do likewise. He gave us a pattern to follow. For those who ask, seek, and knock, God is more than willing to answer. He is even more willing than friends or an earthly father, as Jesus explains through the parables. But the Christian’s prayer requests need to be in line with Jesus’ model prayer. Scripture: Luke 11:1 - 11:28
Having explained what God was doing in his life and wanted to do in the Ephesians lives, Paul turned to prayer. His concern was that they would discover and experience all that God had in mind for their spiritual growth and development. We need similar concerns today. Scripture: Ephesians 3:14 - 3:21
Prayer is more than “a shopping list in the heavenly supermarket,” says Jill Briscoe. In this heartfelt message featuring examples from her own experiences in addition to those of Elijah, Jill explains that God wants us to talk with Him, and to ask for things we know He wants to have happen, too. In good times or bad, God loves it when we come to Him in prayer. Scripture: 1 Kings 17 - 19, James 5:13 - 5:18
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