Spiritual Gardens With John Lucas

Living for the Day

28 Jun 2023

The beauty of the “day lily” flower serves a reminder to us to make the most of the present. Featuring the song ‘Lord, Let Your Glory Fall’ by Matt Redman.

God the Rock

28 Jun 2023

John recalls going to see the famous Wisley Rock Garden with his father and being inspired by it, and also reminded of how God is meant to be the rock in our lives as Christians. Featuring the song ‘Faithful One’ by Vineyard Music.

Focus on God

28 Jun 2023

A good garden needs a focal point to draw viewers in. According to John, most of the principles involved in setting up a focal point for a garden also apply to setting up focal points for our spiritual lives. Featuring the song ‘Be Thou My Vision’ by Robin Mark.

Body of Christ

28 Jun 2023

John recalls how he was nearly put off gardening when he was younger because he found a certain type of gardening boring. In the Body of Christ, many people often give up on doing things because they haven’t realised that we all have different gifts that suit different roles. Featuring the song ‘You Opened Up My Eyes’ by Martyn Layzell.

The River of God

28 Jun 2023

The great vine in Hampton Court Garden is believed to have roots that extend right into the River Thames – from which the vine then draws on the rivers vast reserves of all the nutrients it needs to thrive. Similarly, Christians should draw on God’s vast reserves for all we need. Featuring the hymn ‘Here is Love Vast as the Ocean’.

The Great Design

28 Jun 2023

Design is a key part of our lives, but what makes good design? John looks at what makes for good design in a garden, then looks back at the Creation story in Genesis to see God’s design at work. Featuring the song ‘Love Song for a Saviour’ by Jars of Clay.

Spreading the Seed

28 Jun 2023

Sowing and reaping. John looks at some of the ways in which trees distribute their seeds so that more trees can grow further away encouraging us to be generous in spreading the Gospel. Featuring the song ‘All Who are Thirsty’ by Vineyard Music.

Scented Shrubs

28 Jun 2023

John tells how plants produce fragrance, and of the sensory experience of being in a garden with scented plants, and then about what Paul meant by “the fragrance of life” in 2 Corinthians 2:14-15.

Praise and Worship

28 Jun 2023

The amount of time and energy people spend on gardening can sometimes seem like worship – a reminder to us that praise and worship are essential to our faith. Featuring the song ‘I Will Worship’ by the Stoneleigh Worship band.

Being in the right place

28 Jun 2023

There are several different types of soil, and some plants flourish better in some than in others. Likewise, there are different areas of ministry within the Church, which fit some gifts more than others. John describes some of the different types of soil, and then urges us to find out where our spiritual gifts fit in. Featuring the song ’Stir Up the Gift’ by the Colorado Mass Choir

In Times of Drought

28 Jun 2023

Droughts can make a gardener’s life difficult. John shares some advice on overcoming the problems droughts can cause, then on preparing our own lives for times of spiritual drought. Featuring the song ‘River of Love’ by Don Moen.

In God’s Time

28 Jun 2023

Creating a show garden involves making a garden look mature in a short time. Different plants take a certain length of time to grow to full maturity. John encourages us to remember that God’s time is always the right time, rather than be impatient and try to hurry things. Featuring the song ‘Eternity’ by Brian Doerksen.

First Love

28 Jun 2023

John recalls the time he first became interested in gardens, and compares that to what it’s like when we first come to faith. Featuring the song ‘My First Love (Like a Child)’ by the Stoneleigh Worship Band.

Faith Without Deeds

28 Jun 2023

In order to have a good garden, you will need to spend some time on maintenance - watering plants, mowing the lawns, weeding etc. And in order to grow as a Christian, our faith must be backed up by actions. Featuring the song ‘I Walk by Faith/Alright Now’ by Catch the Fire Toronto.

Cost of Discipleship

28 Jun 2023

People often spend large sums of money on their gardens. How much does our faith cost us? Featuring the song ’Today (Psalm 95)’ by Enter the Worship Circle & Ben Pasley.