Questions of Our Times

Presented by Nigel Bovey

How can we find wholeness in a broken world?

8 Mar 2024

Rev Dr Gillian Straine, director at The Guild of Health and St Raphael, looks at the question of health in a time of pandemic, asking, `how can we find wholeness in a broken world?’

In a world of fake news, who can we trust?

2 Mar 2024

The Revd Jonathan Aitken, former cabinet minister, author, broadcaster, columnist, lecturer, and campaigner for prison reform, looks at the question of truth in a world of fake news. Jonathan Aitken is now Prison Chaplain of HMP Pentonville.

Is God really listening?

24 Feb 2024

Rowan Williams, Lord Williams of Oystermouth, Honorary Professor of Contemporary Christian Thought, Cambridge University, looks at prayer in a time of spiritual hunger, asking, is God really listening?

The world is broken – what would Jesus do?

17 Feb 2024

John Bell, the acclaimed hymnwriter and activist, talks about how Jesus might react to war, poverty, suffering and the climate crisis. He also examines the accuracy of the Victorian depiction of Jesus as ‘Gentle Jesus, meek and mild’, which still influences how people think about Jesus.

Are we alone in the universe?

10 Feb 2024

Jennifer Wiseman, a leading astronomer and astrophysicist who co-discovered a new comet when she was a student, and who serves as senior project scientist, gives her personal views on the search for extra-terrestrial life, the place and purpose of humans in the universe and the excitement of scientific discovery.

Should we always follow the science?

3 Feb 2024

Alister Mc Grath, Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford, and Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, talks about the myths and realities of the relationship between science and religion, the role of science in setting public policy and what evidence religion can offer for the existence of God.

War, what is it good for?

27 Jan 2024

Lord Richard Dannatt, Head of the British Army from 2006 to 2009, gives his personal views on war, peace and faith. Questions of Our Times is brought to you by the Christian Evidence Society in partnership with the Montgomery Trust

How endangered is democracy?

20 Jan 2024

Sir Gary Streeter MP, who has held several ministerial and front bench posts, gives his personal views on politics, parliament and faith. Questions of Our Times is brought to you by the Christian Evidence Society in partnership with the Montgomery Trust

How can we live after death?

13 Jan 2024

Simon Thomas, the host of Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports and President of Blood Cancer UK, gives his personal views on grief, loss and faith. Questions of Our Times is brought to you by the Christian Evidence Society in partnership with the Montgomery Trust.

Who is my neighbour?

6 Jan 2024

Rose Hudson-Wilkin, the first black woman to become a Church of England Bishop, gives her views on discrimination, immigration and faith. Questions of Our Times is brought to you by the Christian Evidence Society in partnership with the Montgomery Trust