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It's CHRISTMAS! Nearly. Steady on. Whoa there! Hold your jingling horses. We kick of our Pre-Christmas adventure with Zechariah, Elizabeth and an Angel, from Luke 1:5-24. And fun facts about very weird animals who react very strangely in a crisis.Get hold of The Adventure of Christmas e-Book from the Good Book Company. Readings and sketches performed by Anna Nicholson and Meg Blowey.Sketch written and produced by James Cary. Recorded at Crown Lane Studio.Support the show
Released on 26 Nov 2021
Ed, Amy, and their guest this week, Gareth Crispin, share some top tips for family bible times this Christmas. From tea towels to posada nativity sets (no, not a curry!) there are plenty of tips to help you get the story of Jesus’ astonishing birth i...
We continue our Christmas adventure with Mary and the return of the Angel. God is ripping up Mary's wedding plans - what a relief that no-one will be throwing shoes at her! (Oh, that's one of the fun facts about wedding. I know. Jam? No.)Get hold of...
The Christmas adventure continues with Joseph and the Angel - and a name that's also a job title. But what even is a cooper, a fletcher and a whitesmith? And why does a cooper need a hooper?Get hold of The Adventure of Christmas e-Book from the Good...
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