Faith in KIDS #70 That's a Nice Name


The Christmas adventure continues with Joseph and the Angel - and a name that's also a job title. But what even is a cooper, a fletcher and a whitesmith? And why does a cooper need a hooper?Get hold of The Adventure of Christmas e-Book from the Good Book Company.Music from Slugs and Bugs Family Christmas AlbumReadings and sketches performed by Anna Nicholson and Meg Blowey.Sketch written and produced by James Cary. Recorded at Crown Lane Studio.Support the show ( brand new “Growing Up” Resources are out NOW for parents and churches to use together as we help our children grow up in today’s world, with God’s word as their guide. Head to for all the details on this excellent series. They’re growing up fast so come on, let’s share God’s good story.Support the Show.

Released on 10 Dec 2021

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