Holding onto guilt can eventually harm you—and that’s not what God has planned for you. Listen as Pastor Rick teaches how to stop defeating yourself and, instead, to bring the things you feel guilty about before God as you confess, ask for forgiveness, and receive God’s forgiveness.
Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16 TLB). The first step of forgiveness is admitting your guilt. In this message, Pastor Rick shares how to take the next step of forgiveness—by accepting responsibility for your sin.
Here’s what happened on the cross: “God had Christ, who was sinless, take our sin so that we might receive God’s approval through him” (2 Corinthians 5:21 GW). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why we needed Jesus to save us from our sins.
How do you know for sure that you’re saved? How do you know you’re going to heaven when you die? What’s your assurance? Pastor Rick teaches why you can rest in the assurance of God’s promise to save you when you believe in Jesus Christ.
God uses problems both to protect you and to perfect you. Join Pastor Rick as he explains what this might look like in your life.
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