Challenging Catholics

Ep 1: Why is their so much disagreement?

14 Jun 2023

Dwight and John tell us about their individual spiritual journeys before diving straight into the debate by asking: If the Bible is so easy to understand, why is there so much disagreement amongst Christians over it?

Ep 2: Is the Bible inspired by God?

14 Jun 2023

Dwight and John ponder what it means to say that the Bible is “inspired” by God.

Ep 3: The significance of Saint Peter

14 Jun 2023

According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus named the apostle Peter as the rock on which he would build his Church. But what exactly is Peter’s significance to Protestants and Catholics? Dwight and John discuss.

Ep 4: What does it really mean to say the Pope is infallible?

14 Jun 2023

Dwight and John continue their analysis of Peter’s significance on the Church today – in particular through the role of the Pope. What does it really mean to say the Pope is infallible?

Ep 5: The Sacraments

14 Jun 2023

In this episode, Gareth, Dwight and John discuss the sacraments. What is the real purpose of baptism? Of communion? Or of confession? And why do we need priests?

Ep 6: The Mass

14 Jun 2023

This time round, Dwight and John discuss the Mass.

Ep 7: What does it mean to be 'born again'?

14 Jun 2023

Dwight and John discuss what the concept of salvation means in their respective church traditions. What does it mean to be “born again”?

Ep 8: Heaven and hell

14 Jun 2023

Dwight and John discuss Heaven and hell… and why one side believes there’s a place called Purgatory but the other does not.

Ep 9: Saints

14 Jun 2023

What is a saint, and how much respect and admiration should we give them? Do we elevate our leaders too much? Do Catholics really pray to saints?

Ep 10: The Virgin Mary

14 Jun 2023

Do Catholics worship Mary? That’s one of the questions Dwight and John get to grips with as they discuss the significance of Mary in Christian doctrine.

Ep 11: The Reformation and the Spanish Inquisition

14 Jun 2023

How does the Catholic Church view the Reformation? And what do Protestants think about the Spanish Inquisition?

Ep 12: How can we move forward together?

14 Jun 2023

Looking to the future. In the final programme in the series, Dwight and John discuss how Catholics and Evangelicals can move forward together.