Big Questions

A five-part series answering objections to Christian Faith. In a questioning world believers have opportunity ‘to give answer for our faith’ to people who question Christianity. ‘Isn’t faith against reason’, ‘Did Jesus actually exist?’, ‘Does God exist?’, ‘Did Jesus really rise from the dead?’ and ‘What about other faiths?’ In these programmes Canon John Twisleton engages with basic objections to Christian faith drawing on scripture, science and the teaching of the saints.

Sundays at 5pm

Episode 1: Is faith against reason?

7 Jun 2024

Engaging with the question Is faith against reason? demonstrating how Christianity goes beyond but not against reason and how both reason and faith lift people to God.

Episode 2: Does God exist?

7 Jun 2024

Engaging with the question Does God exist? showing pointers in the world and human experience to God’s existence and affirming the importance of both reason and revelation to Christian belief in God

Episode 3: Did Jesus exist?

7 Jun 2024

Engaging with the question Did Jesus exist? outlining the evidence for Jesus outside the New Testament and through critical study of scripture and countering the credibility of the assertion that Jesus was invented.

Episode 4: Did Jesus rise from the dead?

7 Jun 2024

Engaging with the question Did Jesus rise from the dead? affirming the historical reliability of the New Testament accounts of Christ’s resurrection, their ring of truth and the invitation to engage with the risen Christ today.

Episode 5: What about other faiths?

7 Jun 2024

Engaging with the question What about other faiths? affirming the uniqueness of Christianity and how saying ‘yes’ to Christ does not mean saying ‘no’ to everything about other faiths some of whom gives witness to the truth that is fully in Jesus.