October 19th - Matthew 11:28-30


Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you…For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

The ‘yoke of the law’ was an expression that the rabbis in Jesus’ day often used. Everyone would have been familiar with the sight of two animals pulling a heavy load, firmly attached to one another by a wooden yoke. Jesus knew that when people were yoked to the requirements of the Jewish law it could be incredibly oppressive. He offered another yoke and his was completely different. It was still a yoke, and therefore very demanding, but it was both easy and light. Those who accepted it could find refreshment and renewal.

When two oxen work together in a yoke, they can be immensely powerful and effective, but it is crucial that it fits comfortably. An ill-fitted yoke could cause agony. In these chapters Jesus spelled out the massive demands that are placed on his disciples. It’s a life that is full of challenge and difficulty. Disciples of Jesus are bound to encounter pressure and even rejection at times. However, knowing that they are working in partnership with Jesus they have a liberty and joy that enables them to face even the toughest situations with peace.

I wonder what burdens you are carrying at the moment. It may be a burden of concern for someone else. Or perhaps you are burdened by your own health concerns. Maybe you are unsure of the way ahead in life. Nothing seems clear anymore. Whatever your burden, if you hug it to yourself, it will only grow in size. But as you share it with the Lord, and accept his yoke, you will discover the peace and rest that he wants you to know. That doesn’t mean the problem will disappear, but you will be in the strongest possible position to bear it, knowing that the Lord himself is with you, bearing the burden with you.

What does being yoked to Christ mean for you personally?

Lord God our Father, thank you that I can bring all my burdens to you knowing that you will give me the rest that I need. Amen

Released on 19 Oct 2024

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