October 20th - Matthew 12:31


Matthew 12:31
[Jesus said,] “So I tell you, every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven—except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven.”

Some years ago, I went to visit a woman who was absolutely convinced that she had committed the unforgivable sin. She was devastated by this and in a state of great distress. Having listened to her carefully for a while it was clear to me that there was no possibility that she had committed the sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Jesus was describing people who had changed all the labels. They branded good as evil and evil as good. That’s why they referred to Jesus as the prince of demons and suggested that was the reason why he had the ability to cast out demons. Jesus wasn’t describing people who inadvertently say the wrong thing, but rather those who deliberately shape their lives in opposition to him. People who commit the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit wouldn’t be sad at what they had done. They would be delighted. The woman I had met couldn’t possibly have committed the unforgivable sin, because it distressed her so much that she might have done. We prayed together and I was able to assure her of God’s complete forgiveness.

I wish you could have seen the face of this woman when I met her some time later. It is no exaggeration to say that she was a new person. She told me how her life was completely transformed, but she didn’t need to because her face told the story. The chains that had held her back had been broken. She was so happy and relieved. Praise God!

This is a very serious passage, and it says to all who will hear it: “Don’t mess with God.” God’s love is such that he longs to forgive all those who truly repent. But if people live their lives in defiance against him then, much as he longs to forgive, it is impossible for them to receive forgiveness.

How would you seek to help someone if they feared that they had committed the unforgivable sin?

Lord God, I thank you for your perfect love for me. I repent of my sins and claim your miraculous gift of forgiveness. Amen

Released on 20 Oct 2024

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