November 24th - Matthew 7:1-2


Matthew 7:1-2

I wonder whether you have ever lived in an atmosphere of harsh criticism and even condemnation. It’s a horrible place to be and I have known many people whose lives have been disfigured by it. Tragically, the criticism has sometimes come from parents and teachers, who ought to have known better. Jesus made clear that this kind of attitude is totally wrong. It’s demoralising and undermines a person’s strength and confidence.

Having a harsh critical spirit is always a bad idea and not least because all of us would choose to be treated with generosity and kindness. Jesus told his followers that if that’s what they wanted to receive, then that’s what they needed to hand out. He provided a funny illustration to ram home his point. If you want to point out that someone has got a tiny speck of dust in their eye, you need to be sure that you haven’t got a huge log stuck in your own eye (vv3-5)! The truth is that it is so easy to spot the failings of others while being blissfully ignorant of our own shortcomings.

Jesus wasn’t saying that we should never make judgements in life. Indeed, he repeatedly demanded that his followers should be discerning and make careful decisions. His concern was for those, like the Pharisees, who were happy to condemn others but who had totally lost the ability to see the shortcomings in their own lives.

The rabbis of Jesus’ time discerned that there were six great works that would bring a person credit in this life and profit in the world to come. They were study, visiting the sick, hospitality, devotion in prayer, the education of children in the Law and thinking the best of other people. Let’s make sure that we do just that today.

What do you consider to be the best way of avoiding a judgemental attitude towards other people?

Lord God, forgive me for the times when I have been unfairly critical of others. Help me to be generous and kind in my words and actions. Amen

Released on 24 Nov 2023

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