November 27th - Psalm 16:5-6


Psalm 16:5-6

David wrote this psalm at a time when he was in constant danger. King Saul was after him and in human terms he was totally insecure. He had been driven away from his home, knowing that at any moment he might be killed by the king or his soldiers. But, in this dire situation, David learned where his true security was. He knew that God himself was his place of safety and his inheritance. Because of this, he could thank God that he was in a pleasant land and in possession of a wonderful inheritance.

I wonder how you see your life at the moment. It may be that everything is looking secure and peaceful. David’s experience of complete insecurity might seem a million miles away. But the truth is that life can change quickly and we need to be sure where our true security lies. As Job said: “How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble! We blossom like a flower and then wither. Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear” (Job 14:1-2).

Whatever challenges we may face, it is important to keep our eyes fixed on the solid inheritance that we have. In his first letter Peter wrote: “We have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Peter 1:4). Amid all the terrifying challenges of his life, David knew that he was secure. God wants us to go through life with the same confidence.

How do you respond to the fact that your eternal inheritance is absolutely secure?

Lord God, thank you that my life is entirely secure in your hands for time and eternity. Amen

Released on 27 Nov 2023

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