June 4th - Psalm 139:23-24


Psalm 139:23-24

One of the reasons many people read daily newspapers is to find out what terrible things other people do, in order to feel a little bit better about themselves. I won’t ask you whether that has ever been your motivation!

In this psalm, David reflected on the wickedness of other people. He expressed his hatred of people who hated God. But he didn’t hide from the fact that he was also a sinner. He knew there was absolutely no point in pretending with God, as God already knew the whole story. So he ended this amazing psalm by inviting God to point out anything that might be wrong in his life. He knew God could put his finger on those things that needed to be changed.

I recently had an MRI scan on my back. I was placed in a large white metal tube for a full hour while the noisy magnets whirled around me. It was an amazing process and, at the end of it, I knew a phenomenal amount of data had been collected. The surgeon had a full picture of my far from perfect spine. To be honest, when I went to get the results I was a little nervous because I knew the doctor had the whole story, good or bad. For those who are now getting worried, let me reassure you: all I really learnt that day was that I am getting older!

We need to hear the truth about our spiritual selves, even when it is difficult to receive. David often had to hear painful words from God, but he knew these words would set him free and give him eternal life. We need to make sure that when we spend time with God, we are not just speaking to him but also listening as he shares his loving, piercing, liberating truth with us.


In what ways has God told you that you need to change?


Thank you Lord that you love me and help me to see those ways in which I could get closer to you. Amen

Released on 2 Jun 2023

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