June 6th - Luke 6:45


Luke 6:45

Whether we like it or not, our words give us away. They reveal the kind of people we really are. The person whose words are always gentle, positive and encouraging gives us a window into their heart. But so, too, does the person who is forever complaining and cursing.

Jesus’ observation might well sound obvious, but it needs our most careful attention. If we agree with him, it is clear that we need to direct our energies at ensuring we continually fill our minds and hearts with good things. Paul summed it up well when he said: “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8). In a world in which we all have instant access to an ocean of information, these words have never been more important. Within moments, we all have access to content which has the potential to damage or inspire us. The choice is ours.

In the vast country of Australia, there is apparently a road sign which says: “Choose your rut carefully. You will be in it for the next 60 miles.” We can all get into ruts. We develop habits and practices which shape our life, whether it’s the TV shows we watch or the websites we look at. From time to time, it is wise for us to stand back and ask: “Is what I am watching and looking at true, honourable, right, pure, lovely and admirable?”


Are you focusing your attention on what is excellent and worthy of praise?


Loving Lord, I want to bless other people through the way in which I speak. Help me to fill my mind with things that will be a blessing to others. Amen

Released on 6 Jun 2023

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