June 2nd - Psalm 139:1-2


Psalm 139:1-2

These days, we are incredibly sensitive about protecting our personal data. Quite rightly, we don’t want everyone to know everything about us. We have no doubt all received emails or letters from organisations who know far more about us than we would want. However, this psalm reveals, with breath-taking clarity, that there is someone who knows absolutely everything about us – and I mean absolutely everything! God not only knows our name, address, phone number, bank account and medical details but also what we are thinking, feeling and what we are going to say next. Nothing is hidden from him.
If you are hearing this for the first time, I realise it might sound alarming. You may not like the idea of having absolutely no secrets. But that’s how it is. It’s simply a fact. God created you and knows everything there is to know about you. If God had bad intentions, it would be horrifying that he is so well informed. But the exact opposite is true. He loves us completely, and so the fact that he knows everything about us is a source of incredible security and peace.

King David then went a step further. He declared that not only does God know everything about us, but he is always with us. Once again, this is simply a fact: wherever you go and whatever you do, God is right there with you. David reflected that he could go up to the heavens or down to the grave and, in each place, God would be there. In the light and in the darkness, God is there. In verse 12 he wrote: “To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.”
The wonderful truth is that we are never alone. The God who loves us and who knows everything about us is always by our side.

How do you respond to the fact that God knows everything about you?
Loving God, thank you that you know everything about me and yet still love me. Help me to know the security of your presence today and every day. Amen

Released on 2 Jun 2023

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