February 7th - Psalm 126:5-6


Psalm 126:5-6

If you know anything about farming you will know that it is hard work. But just imagine how incredibly tough it was in the psalmist’s day without the help of modern machinery. Planting was back breaking work, but year by year the farmer would sow his seed with the confidence of knowing that, one day, there would be a harvest. We cannot be sure, but it seems as if this psalm was written in celebration of the return from exile. After years in Babylon, the people finally had the opportunity to return to their homeland. They had had a tough time but now, at last, they were able to return to their beloved Jerusalem.
Recently, I visited a minister and his wife working for the Lord on a tough housing estate. I hadn’t seen them for a few years and I was eager to hear their story. Quite apart from all the extra demands and pressures of Covid, they had faced a number of other challenges. There had been many tears and much hard work. But now they were beginning to see some significant signs of growth and encouragement. They had been living through the Psalm 126 experience, and now had many reasons to shout with joy.

Of course, we would all choose to avoid the tears and struggles. We would like to find a quick route to blessing, and if we find it we shouldn’t turn it down! However, experience shows that times of restoration and blessing often follow times of challenge and difficulty. Perhaps that was what was in James’ mind when he wrote: “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow” (James 1:2-3).

What experience do you have of sowing in tears and reaping with joy?
Lord God, thank you that you are with me all the time and that I can be sure that, as I pass through tough times, you will bring me to a place of blessing and restoration. Amen

Released on 7 Feb 2023

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