February 10th - Mark 1:7-8


Mark 1:7-8
It’s always great to see people who know what their job is in life and are happy to get on and do it. I am thinking of the carpenters, car mechanics, ministers, nurses, carers, office workers and teachers that I know. All sorts of people who have discovered where their gifts are best used and who happily devote their time and energy to doing the very best that they can. That well describes John the Baptist. He knew exactly what his God-given role was. It was to prepare the way for the Son of God. He knew that he had a vital task to perform but that all the attention should go to Jesus, and not to him.
Let me ask you a straight question. Do you know what your God-given role is in life? I’ve often found that people struggle with this question. They are not sure whether they have found God’s role for them and, very often, I find that people tend to be quite dismissive of what they are doing at the moment, seeing it as not very important. They imagine that God has something much more significant for them to do. I believe that we need to see everything that we do as vitally important. God is able to use us, wherever we are, to bring praise to him and to encourage other people. And, as we do our work, we need to remain open to God’s voice. If we are sincerely seeking to serve him, then I believe that God will want to show us how we can be most useful and effective for him. If you need to move into another role, I believe that God will show you. We simply need to keep our eyes and ears open. But until the time that God calls us to move on, we need to give 100 per cent to what we are doing now.

John’s task was to prepare the way for Jesus. Whatever our work may be, we are always walking in John’s footsteps. We need to be preparing the way for other people to meet Jesus as their own saviour, Lord and friend.

What is God calling you to do with your life?
Loving Father, thank you that you have work for me to do. Help me to do it to the best of my ability and take every opportunity to prepare the way for others to meet Jesus. Amen

Released on 10 Feb 2023

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