Day 38 - Issue 33


Acts 2:14 NLT
Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this.”
A band of disheartened and frightened disciples, who had just seen Jesus ascend into heaven and had gathered in part out of obedience and part out of fear of what might happen to them is, in a moment, transformed through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is Pentecost! The disturbance as God intervenes, gathers a crowd and Peter steps forward to speak…Peter quickly reassures them that this is no unruly behaviour but a sign of God’s presence and God’s power. It is a moment of witness to the reality of the gospel. God with us.
For 25 years, Premier has enjoyed the privilege of broadcasting to the British public. First, across London and then, expanding to broadcast nationally. It took courage and confidence in the Holy Spirit to launch Premier as an initiative to enhance the mission of the Church. It has carried God’s word to millions as a source of inspiration and encouragement. As we recall the faithfulness of those first disciples huddled in the upper room, we also give thanks for the generous donors who trusted God and helped birthed Premier’s mission, along with all those who continue to give to sustain this ministry.
On that first Pentecost as Peter preached his first sermon, 3,000 people became Christians. In 2020 Premier will launch a major evangelism campaign working with churches, ministries and individual Christians in recognition of 25 years of God’s faithfulness. This will release the evangelistic potential of the 2 million people that Premier reach every month. It will also, through our prayers, mobilise new supporters and missionaries to join the Premier family on the airwaves and together we will call out to God and work together for a nation changing impact.
QUESTION: Consider today what God would have you do. Are you able to pray and support this fresh missional, Premier initiative?
PRAYER: Lord, we are grateful for Premier’s impact on effective mission over the last 25 years. Stir our hearts through a fresh outpouring of your Holy Spirit to live the gospel, share our faith, encourage others to join with us on this adventure and support the ongoing mission of Premier.

Released on 22 May 2020

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