Day 43 - Issue 33


2 Corinthians 9:10 NLT
'For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.'
Last year, my wife, Jayne, and I were invited to attend a London-based church event. We knew little about it, but arrived to discover a sea of young people engaging together in exploring scripture. Our hearts were stirred as we were reminded of when our own journey of faith started. I was 19, Jayne 14. Both of us came from completely unchurched backgrounds. It’s easy to forget just how much support and encouragement we needed.
It’s wonderful that today there are such a range of resources both to encourage and affirm all of us in our faith. Children’s and youth ministry remain critical to nurturing the forward mission of the Church. Premier encourages and supports this critical ministry of the Church through publication of Youth and Children’s Work magazine (YCW). This encourages growing in godliness in an increasingly challenging, and often hostile, environment.
We all need encouragement to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and resources that are especially aimed at the particular place we find ourselves upon life’s journey. My life in Christian ministry began working with Youth for Christ and Buzz magazine, setting up the first Spring Harvest. Any history of Premier Christianity magazine must first begin with the story of Buzz, whose life spanned almost half of the 50 years we celebrate this year. I am grateful for how I was supported in my Christian life through this publication, and how I would not be who I am today as a person or in ministry without this essential resource.
QUESTION: Where do you go to find out about what God is doing and what resources are available to encourage your faith? Is there someone you know, family member or friend, who might benefit through the gift of a Premier magazine to inspire and strengthen their walk of faith?
PRAYER: We pray that you will inspire the Premier journalists, who work to make truth accessible to a variety of ages, strengthen the production teams and mobilise young and old in the mission of sharing the life of Jesus across every community and neighbourhood.

Released on 1 Jun 2020

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