Day 31 - Issue 33


Jeremiah 17:8 NLT
'They are like trees planted along a river-bank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.'
As a new Christian I read a lot of Christian literature. One of the books that impacted me most was, Green Leaf in Drought, by Isobel Kuhn. Based upon this verse from Jeremiah I learned about the faithfulness of God. Reading this book humbled and inspired me as I began to understand the power of scripture as God’s word impacting present-day circumstances.
In honesty I’ve struggled to apply the simple message from this book and often looked to my own understanding and ability to navigate life’s difficulties. I have only gradually learned that the principle of scriptural truth in the foothills of life’s challenges must precede any experience of more overwhelming demands.
As you ponder this scripture, you recognise that a tree is rooted to the spot. Unlike us, it cannot dodge to remove itself from the source of discomfort. The tree draws upon the hidden source of nourishment for its survival in a bleak landscape. If its roots have used time well, it has grown deep into the earth to secure the water it needs to survive. We can be distracted by a host of interesting sideshows and fail to deepen our friendship with God to the degree that will prove necessary to stand firm in the times of drought.
Today I understand that it is God alone that I require and it is upon God alone that I may rely. My roots must consistently sink deeper into God’s word, which is less a narrative than the very food I require every day to nourish me and enable me to life effectively and well.
QUESTION: Are your roots deeply embedded in God’s word, your source of nourishment?
PRAYER: The many demands of life try to draw me away from my life source. I turn afresh to you, my source and sustainer.

Released on 13 May 2020

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