Day 32 - Issue 33


Psalm 34:8-9 NLT
'Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.'
I enjoy cooking, working with taste, texture and colour for both plate and palate. My mother likes to remind me of the grey mince pies I made as a child; grey because I failed to wash my hands when turning to baking from playing in the garden. But no one refused these sweet offerings, nor suffered any adverse physical effects!
For me, the joy of cooking is twofold: the trialling of a mix of ingredients in a variety of combinations, and the joy of people enjoying what I have prepared. Life is a unique menu prepared for each one of us by God. Many of the ingredients are the same, the standard basics with a collection of unique flavours and additional bespoke elements. Having the ingredients is essential, but no guarantee of a flavoursome dish. It is the precise measures, combination and cooking methods that determines the end product. Life, and cooking, takes time, trial and error, but none need go to waste if we are open to learn.
So, your and my life mistakes can be a blessing! It is why the psalmist encourages God’s disciples always to take refuge in God. We are all tempted at times of disappointment, disillusion and despair to point the finger of blame away from ourselves, just like Adam in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:12), but these painful episodes can provide understanding to guide future decisions and can yield a fruitful future harvest.
It’s remarkable how great food often requires very few ingredients. We have in Christ all that we need to live a full and blessed life. But we need to discover how to handle those ingredients effectively.
QUESTION: Do past mistakes haunt and blight, or do they inform and instruct your today?
PRAYER: Thank you for providing all the ingredients I need to thrive and live a blessed and fulfilled life. May my life be a rich diet to bless you, me and others with heavenly food.

Released on 14 May 2020

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