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NT Wright was interviewed by Pastor Miles McPherson at Rock Church San Diego. They talk about Tom's work to redescribe the gospel in terms of new creation, and what that means for the concept of 'getting saved'. Recorded in 2019. Used with permission of Rock Church, San Diego • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast:• More shows, free eBook, newsletter, and sign up to ask Tom your questions:• For live events:• For online learning:• Support us in the USA:• Support us in the rest of the world:
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Released on 13 Oct 2022
Tom speaks on the role of the church in racial reconcliation in the USA and why he believes the Bible affirms the leadership roles of both men and women. This is the second part of Tom's on-stage interview with Pastor Miles McPherson, recorded at Roc...
Tom answers questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim in a show first broadcast in 2019. And Tom gets his...
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today. From a show first broadcast in 2019. • Subscribe to th...
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