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Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today. From a show first broadcast in 2019. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast:• More shows, free eBook, newsletter, and sign up to ask Tom your questions:• For live events:• For online learning:• Support us in the USA:• Support us in the rest of the world:
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Released on 3 Nov 2022
Justin Brierley and Tom Wright are joined by New Testament scholar Justin Bass, author of ‘The Bedrock of Christianity: The unalterable facts of Jesus’ death and resurrection’. They discuss why the appearances of Jesus and the rise of Christianity co...
Tom Wright and Justin Brierley are back with a fresh batch of listener questions on the gospels this week including: How do I reconcile John's portrayal of Jesus with the other gospels? Are the timings of the crucifixion accounts in conflict? And wha...
A listener wants to know if the suggestion of Old Testament prophets being raised from the dead presents a problem for the uniqueness of Jesus' resurrection? Is 'heaven' the in-between-state before new creation? Will we know everything once we are ra...
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