
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unb Classic Replay -- Is God Dead? - John Lennox and Dave Rubin Debate on The Big Conversation - Part 1

2 Jan 2024

From the Archives: This week we play one of our all time favourite episodes: a discussion hosted live in California, between Christian apologist John Lennox and US talk show host Dave Rubin, from 2019. In Part 1 of this Big Conversation, Professo...

Can Christians do comedy? with Milton Jones, Allan Finnegan and Andy Kind

29 Dec 2023

In this episode, top British comedian and writer Milton Jones and Baptist minister, comedian and semi-finalist of Britain's Got Talent, Allan Finnegan, offer a captivating behind-the-scenes glimpse into their world. From tackling ego and humility...

Is there an expiry date on CS Lewis 60 years after his death? With Rev. Prof. Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson, host of Unbelievable

22 Dec 2023

Ruth Jackson hosts this special edition of Premier Unbelievable? with Oxford scholar and C. S Lewis expert Dr. Alister McGrath. Lewis - Jack to his friends - was a 20th Century British writer and lay theologian who is arguably one of the most inf...

Should faith and politics mix? | Peter Wehner, Jonathan Rauch with Vince Vitale

15 Dec 2023

Vince Vitale hosts this timely discussion around faith and politics, with Pete Wehner, journalist and senior fellow at Trinity Forum and Jonathan Rauch who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute. The topic is Should faith and politics mix? Ho...

Classic Replay: Grill James White + Larry Taunton on bible study with Christopher Hitchens

12 Dec 2023

From 2016: Reformed apologist James White joins Justin again, this time to take calls from listeners on whether the apostles preached Jesus’ divinity, whether God is the author of evil, and whether Calvin wasn’t reformed enough. In the final part of...

What is the purpose of the universe? with Richard Swinburne, Philip Goff & Vince Vitale

8 Dec 2023

Richard Swinburne and Philip Goff debate why are we here? Is it time we moved on from both God and Atheism, as Goff suggests in his new book Why? The Purpose of the Universe? Unbelievable Host Vince Vitale guides us through as Goff argues that the tr...

Classic Replay: Unbelievable? Is Open Theism a heresy? James White vs John Sanders

5 Dec 2023

From 2016: John E Sanders is one among a number of evangelical theologians such as Greg Boyd who have embraced Open Theism – the view that God does not necessarily have foreknowledge of all future events and that the future is open. Many evangelicals...

Is religion good or bad for society? Ben Shapiro v Alex O'Connor The Big Conversation – Episode 7 | Season 5

1 Dec 2023

The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? the flagship apologetics and theology discussion show from Premierunbelievable.com  In this bonus episode of The Big Conversation' formidable Daily Wire host and renowned political thin...

Classic Replay: Is human life intrinsically valuable? Peter Singer, Richard Weikart & Susan Blackmore

28 Nov 2023

From 2016: Richard Weikart, professor of history at California State University, joins Premier Unbelievable? to talk about his new book 'The Death of Humanity'. He says the loss of belief in the value of human life is leading to disastrous consequenc...

60 years after his death, are CS Lewis and his God still relevant?

24 Nov 2023

Ruth Jackson hosts a discussion about a 20th Century British writer and lay theologian who is arguably one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, Engla...

Classic Replay: Have atheists got the wrong God? Rupert Shortt vs Jeremy Rodell

21 Nov 2023

From 2016: In his new book ‘Go Is No Thing’ Rupert Shortt argues that many ‘new atheists’ have a faulty view of God that doesn’t take seriously the philosophical arguments that thinkers like Thomas Aquinas gave many centuries ago for the existence of...

Classic Replay: Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham : Can we trust eyewitness testimony in the biblical accounts?

17 Nov 2023

Unbelievable shows often benefit from a second listen and some even become classics. Today we are dipping into the concluding part of a conversation between noted Bible scholar Bart Ehrman and Richard Bauckham who debate each other with Justin Brier...

Classic Replay: Are the Gospels based on eyewitness testimony? Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham

14 Nov 2023

From 2016: Bart Ehrman's new book "Jesus Before the Gospels" makes the case that the stories about Jesus would have changed and evolved before they were written down as the Gospels. Richard Bauckham, author of "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses", defends th...

Gay Christians, God and the church | David Bennett, Taylor Telford & Billy Hallowell

10 Nov 2023

Embark on a journey with host Billy Hallowell exploring a deep friendship between two academics with wildly opposing views but who both attest to the boundless love of God on this week’s podcast. This week’s Unbelievable features an insightful discus...

Classic Replay: Did Jesus' followers believe he was God? Yusuf Ismail vs Jonathan McLatchie

7 Nov 2023

From 2016: In Islam, Jesus is regarded as a prophet. Muslims commonly claim that the Christian belief in Christ as co-equal with God is a corruption of Jesus' message and that his first followers did not regard him as the Son of God. Christian apolog...

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