
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Can Christians watch occult and horror content? Exploring Faith and Entertainment Jenn Nizza vs Peter Laws, hosted by Billy Hallowell

23 Feb 2024

Occult-inspired imagery and storylines pervade much of popular culture. Horror has become mainstream. The debate is on entertainment choices for Christians. Should Christians watch whatever they want? Ex-psychic Jen Nizza warns against the dangers of...

Classic Replay: Let's talk about Yoga! with Mike Shreve and Chris James

20 Feb 2024

Should Christians practice the ever popular meditation turned fitness practice, Yoga? Are there questions we should be asking before we embrace the ancient practice? Two former high-level Yoga practitioners, Mike Shreve and Chris James, tell their...

The most googled questions with Bruce Miller  Does life have a purpose? Is Christianity true?

16 Feb 2024

Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, tackles two huge questions: is Christianity too narrow and is Jesus really God? He also explores whether Jesus really rose from the dead.  Do you ever wonder, "why...

Classic Replay: The Debate of the "Emerging Church"

13 Feb 2024

Brian McLaren, a prominent author, theologian, and church leader, has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the "emerging church" movement. Renowned for his influential books incl. "A New Kind of Christian" and "A Generous Orthodoxy," Mc...

Is Jesus God? with Abdulla Galadari and Joshua Sijuwade

9 Feb 2024

This week on Premier Unbelievable, the question of whether Jesus is God is explored, a topic that often divides Muslims and Christians. The show revisits a conversation featuring Dr. Abdulla Galadari, author of 'Quranic Hermeneutics,' and Dr. Joshua...

Classic Replay: Toxic Masculinity, Egalitarianism and the Church with Martin Saunders and Kyle Robinson

5 Feb 2024

From the Archives: Following on from a discussion on a previous Unbelievable? Podcast Episode with Kristin Kobes du Mez, this episode digs into the question of whether Toxic Masculinity is an issue facing the church today? Kyle Thompson of men’s mini...

What is truth? Mack Stiles and Dan Barker with host Andy Kind

2 Feb 2024

Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Premier Unbelievable! This week, brace yourselves for a captivating dialogue between two individuals with starkly divergent perspectives on Christianity, the existence of God, and the very essence of tr...

Classic Replay: Women, Ordination and passages in 1 Timothy: what does the Bible really say about women leading in the Church? with Christina Rees and John Richardson

30 Jan 2024

From the Archives: First Aired in 2011, today's Classic Replay takes an in-depth look at some of the most contentious passages in the Bible when it comes to women's roles and leadership in the Church. In 1995 the Church of England allowed the ordinat...

Should abortion be decriminalised? Lois McLatchie vs Ellie Lee hosted by Andy Kind

26 Jan 2024

This week in the UK, discussions are taking place in Parliament around various aspects of the Criminal Justice Bill. One of the most contentious areas is around a couple of tabled amendments* that would remove offences that make it illegal for a woma...

Classic Replay: Humanity, Ai and the Metaverse - being human in an unhuman world with Alan Noble and Kelly Kapic

23 Jan 2024

First aired in 2021, today's replay looks at what it truly means to be human and how young people today are building identity amidst the powers of ai and the metaverse. Why are we increasingly anxious, stressed and obsessed with identity? What can C...

Does secular humanism or Christianity offer a brighter future? Sara Stevenson vs Neil McKain

19 Jan 2024

Andy Kind hosts today's Unbelievable where the debate topic is Does Secular Humanism or Christianity offer a brighter future for the UK? We have teamed up with our friends at Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ a pioneering youth ministry that holds deba...

Classic Replay: Is the Bible primitive and immoral, or can we trust what it says? with Leslie Scrace and Chris Sinkinson

16 Jan 2024

From the Archives: Leslie Scrace, a former Methodist minister who transitioned to atheism, turned away from the Bible when he lost his faith. Two decades later, he penned a comprehensive account of his atheist perspective in a book titled "An Unbelie...

Why do women often feel unequal to men in the church? with Liz Cooledge Jenkins and Andy Kind

12 Jan 2024

Today on Unbelievable? Andy Kind hosts the first part of an occasional series on the topic of women in the church, how women are portrayed in the Bible, and questions around women in ministry. Why do women often feel unequal to men in Church? There a...

Classic Replay: Is God Dead? Audience Q&A with John Lennox and Dave Rubin on The Big Conversation - Part 2

9 Jan 2024

From the Archives: This week we play the second part (the Q&A) of our all time favourite episodes: a discussion hosted live in California, between Christian apologist John Lennox and US talk show host Dave Rubin, from 2019. In Part 2 of this B...

Does free will exist? Alex Malpass vs Tim Stratton hosted by Andy Kind

5 Jan 2024

This week on Unbelievable we return to the topic of free will. Following the debate between Ben Shapiro and Alex O'Connor, Christian apologist Tim Stratton got in touch to say he took issue with some of Alex's arguments against free will. Indeed Tim...

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