
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unbelievable? 3 Jul 2010 - Is God a failed hypothesis? Pr 2 - Victor Stenger vs. David Bartholomew

23 Jun 2014

Can we use science to ascertain whether prayer works?  Data from a series of prayer experiments is part of the evidence that US atheist scientist Victor Stenger uses to build the case against God in his best-selling book "God: The failed hypothe...

Unbelievable? 19 Jun 2010 - Does the Bible condone slavery?

23 Jun 2014

The Bible is often criticised for either supporting or not condemning the institution of slavery.  So how should we treat portions of Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments that relate to slavery?  Why does the Old Testament contain laws regar....

Unbelievable? 12 Jun 2010 - The Jesus Discovery

23 Jun 2014

Dr Adam Bradford believes he has discovered a significant new insight into Jesus Christ.  In "The Jesus Discovery" he explains why he believes that Jesus was not an unschooled peasant preacher, as many depict him.  Instead, he claims that J...

Unbelievable? 5 Jun 2010 - Homosexuality and the church

23 Jun 2014

In response to listener requests Justin hosts two shows dealing with Homosexuality and Christian faith. This second show addresses whether the church is homophobic in its attitude towards gay people.  Would a gay person feel welcome at an evangelical...

Unbelievable? 29 May 2010 - Homosexuality and the Bible

23 Jun 2014

In response to listener requests Justin hosts two shows dealing with Homosexuality and Christian faith. This first show addresses the main scriptural passages that relate to homosexuality.  Are the prohibitions against same sex acts in the Old Testa....

Unbelievable? 22 May 2010 - Sex outside Marriage debate

23 Jun 2014

Evangelical Christians hold that sexual relations outside of marriage are against Biblical mandate and have negative moral and social consequences. In modern society, as marriage becomes less common and most people are sexually active from their tee....

Unbelievable? 8 May 2010 - Philip Pullman on the historical Jesus

23 Jun 2014

"The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ" is the latest book from the pen of prominent atheist author Philip Pullman.  It re-imagines the story of Jesus as the story of two twins - one called Jesus, the other Christ.  It is the twin Chr...

Peter Hitchens vs. Adam Rutherford - "The Rage Against God"

23 Jun 2014

Peter Hitchens is a writer and regular columnist for the Mail on Sunday.  Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, Peter is a committed Christian having himself been an atheist in younger years. His new book "The Rage Against God" challenges...

Unbelievable? 24 Apr 2010 - Atheists Grill A Christian

23 Jun 2014

We mix things up a bit this week with a different format.  Four atheist listeners of the show get their chance to air their objections to Christian faith.  Taking their questions and criticisms is Church pastor David Robertson, author of "The Da...

Unbelievable? 1 May 2010 - God & Science - Denis Alexander & Stephen Law

23 Jun 2014

Test of Faith is an initiative aimed at showing that Christian faith and good science are perfectly compatible.  As the Tour reaches london on 19th May we ask "Do we need God, now that we have science?" Denis Alexander is a biologist from t...

Unbelievable? 17 Apr 2010 - Are we alone in the universe? Paul Davies & John Lennox

23 Jun 2014

What does it take for life to get going in our universe?  Is there intelligence in the stars or right under our nose? Renowned astrophysicist Paul Davies chats to Oxford Professor of Mathematics John Lennox. A popular science author, Davies is also ....

Unbelievable? 3 Apr 2010 - The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon & Easter

23 Jun 2014

The Unification church of Revd Sun Myung Moon (aka The Moonies) is often regarded as a cult.  But what do they actually believe about Jesus and his death and resurrection? Christian Nseka is a member of the religion and believes we need to see Jesus....

Unbelievable? 10 Apr 2010 - Seventh Day Adventism

23 Jun 2014

An Inter-Christian discussion on the beliefs and doctrines that are distinctive of Seventh Day Adventists.  Why do they hold to Saturday as the "true" day for worship and rest?  Are they too legalistic?  What about the failed prophecy of Ch...

Unbelievable? 27 Mar 2010 - Religious experience - is it evidence for God?

23 Jun 2014

Richard Morgan and Todd Pitner both experienced adult conversions from atheism to Christian Faith.  Morgan, whose conversion story two years ago has been told before on "Unbelievable?" questions whether atheists who rule out personal exper...

Unbelievable? 20 Mar 2010 - "Expelled" live audience debate

5 Jun 2014

Hear the debate that took place after the "Unbelievable?" screening of Intelligent Design Film "Expelled" at Imperial College London in Feb 2010. Against the film: Atheist Prof Susan Blackmore (Psychology, Plymouth) & Theistic...

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