
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unbelievable? 5 Mar 2011 - Grill a Christian Round 3 & Unbelievable? Conference announcement

23 Jun 2014

Today's show begins with details of the forthcoming Unbelievable? apologetics conference in London where Justin will be joined by speakers including John Lennox, Jay Smith, David Instone-Brewer and David Robertson. David Robertson joins Justin for a....

Unbelievable? 26 Feb 2011 - RE and indoctrination in education

23 Jun 2014

The UK Government recently outlined a White Paper that threatens to demote Religious Education to a peripheral subject in the curriculum.  More info on the campaign to have it reinstated here: http://www.reactcampaign.co.uk/ Mark Roques of Reality B....

Unbelievable? 19 Feb 2011 - Are there many paths to God?

23 Jun 2014

In an age of religious pluralism it can seem arrogant for Christians to claim they have "the truth" or the only means to salvation.  So when Jesus said "no-one comes to the Father except through me" what did he mean? And what abou...

Unbelievable? 12 Feb 2011 - Is the King James Version the best?

23 Jun 2014

400 years on from the publication of the King James Version of the Bible, there is now a proliferation of translations available.  Some Christians maintain that the KJV has never been surpassed for its style, authority and reliability. James White o....

Unbelievable? 5 Feb 2011 - Alister McGrath & Stephen Law - Why Won't God Go Away?

23 Jun 2014

Alister McGrath's new book "Why God won't go away" is a critique of the New Atheist Movement spearheaded by Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris & Dennett. He chats with atheist philosopher Stephen Law about aggressive atheism and its online form....

Unbelievable? 29 Jan 2011 - Human Value & Subversive Stories

23 Jun 2014

Off-duty police men in Bogota, Columbia shoot street children because they consider them to be "disposables".  Using stories such as this Mark Roques asks whether value in human life can be found anywhere other than our being made "In...

Unbelievable? 22 Jan 2011 - Which Translation should we Trust?

23 Jun 2014

To mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible Justin Brierley will be presenting a number of programmes looking at issues of Biblical reliability and interpretation in the coming year. This week he asks "Which translation...

Unbelievable? 15 Jan 2011 - Os Guinness & Mary Warnock debate religious freedoms

23 Jun 2014

Os Guinness is an author, cultural critic and Christian apologist.  He co-founded the Trinity Forum which "seeks to transform society through the transformation of leaders".   Baroness Mary Warnock is a moral philosopher and atheist.  She i...

Unbelievable? 8 Jan 2011 - William Lane Craig reviews his debate with Dawkins

23 Jun 2014

William Lane Craig is a philosopher, author and key defender of the Christian faith in debates around the world. Although atheist Richard Dawkins had publicly said he will not debate Craig, he found himself on the same platform as him in November 20....

Unbelievable? 1 Jan 2011 - The all new Unbelievable? Website

23 Jun 2014

www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable has undergone a major redevelopment and Justin Brierley uses this New Year Programme to take a tour around it. Visit it now to find out more about the new features, interviews, articles and ways to interact with the s....

Unbelievable? 25 Dec 2010 - The Unbelievable? "Christmas Cracker

23 Jun 2014

A festive edition of the show.  With studio guest Anthony McRoy and a host of phone guests from around the world Justin Brierley looks at various aspects of Christmas. Is Christmas based on Pagan festivals and myths?  What are the Christian roots of....

Unbelievable? 18 Dec 2010 - Islam & Dhimmitude

23 Jun 2014

"The Third Choice" by Australian church pastor Mark Durie claims that Islam has a long history of oppressing those of other faiths under its power.  Durie claims that when Islam conquered a nation its inhabitants could either convert, die o...

Unbelievable? 11 Dec 2010 - Islamic Blasphemy Law

23 Jun 2014

Asia Bibi is the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death for allegedly blaspheming against Mohammed.  In light of her case we discuss Pakistan's use of Islamic blasphemy law with Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute and Stuart Win....

Unbelievable? 4 Dec 2010 - David Robertson answers skeptics questions

23 Jun 2014

David Robertson is a Scottish church pastor and author of "The Dawkins Letters".  He recently hosted the first Conference of the newly established Solas Centre for Public Christianity. As a key respondent to Dawkins he has earned himself th...

Unbelievable? 20 Nov 2010 - Philip Yancey on "What Good is God?"

23 Jun 2014

Best-selling US Christian Author Philip Yancey writes books that address some of the hardest questions that Christians ask of themselves and skeptics ask of Christians.  His latest book "What Good is God?" looks at how Christian belief matt...