
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Kierkegaard: A Single Life - Stephen Backhouse & Jane Williams

23 Sep 2016

Justin hears about the unusual life of Soren Kierkegaard in a theological edition of the show. Author Stephen Backhouse explains how the 19th Century theologian/philosopher has shaped the modern world and today's Christian faith. Jane Williams of t...

Who's afraid of the Multiverse? Jeff Zweerink & Skydive Phil

16 Sep 2016

The word 'multiverse' has been on the lips of both physicists and apologists in recent years. In this show Justin is joined by atheist Phil Harper and Christian astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink of Reasons To Believe. They explain why they both believe t...

Unbelievable Live! in California: Ryan Bell & Sean McDowell on ‘Why I am an atheist / Why I am a Christian’

9 Sep 2016

Justin presents a live audience edition of the show from Church Everyday in Northridge, California. He’s joined by atheist Ryan Bell, a former Christian pastor who took ‘A Year Without God’ after coming to doubt his faith, and Sean McDowell a Christi...

Derren Brown show 2: discussing miracles and healing

2 Sep 2016

Justin continues his conversation with illusionist and atheist Derren Brown. They discuss his latest stage show Miracle where Derren appears to be able to heal people and even ‘slay’ them in the spirit. Does his ability to produce manufactured miracl...

Derren Brown discusses Christianity, atheism and the resurrection

26 Aug 2016

Derren Brown, the UK’s most famous illusionist and mentalist, was once a Christian. In the first of a two part special, he talks to Justin Brierley about why he lost his faith, and about his latest stage show Miracle in which he plays the persona of...

Is belief in God ‘properly basic’? Tyler McNabb vs Stephen Law

19 Aug 2016

Today’s show debates philosopher Alvin Plantinga’s reformed epistemology and his view that Christians have a ‘properly basic’ belief in God. Can Christians can be justified in their belief in God apart from argumentation? Tyler McNabb is a Christian...

Challenging Muslims with the Gospel – Jay Smith & Beth Grove

12 Aug 2016

Jay Smith has led a Christian ministry engaging face to face with Muslims in London for over 20 years using polemics and apologetics. As he leaves the UK to undertake an international role Beth Grove will be leading the work in London through the new...

Did Hume Demolish Miracles? Michael Ruse vs Gary Habermas

5 Aug 2016

Do extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence? The 18th century philosopher David Hume is credited with originating the phrase often used by atheists and sceptics. In a second show, Christian philosopher Gary Habermas and atheist philosopher...

Is atheist naturalism coherent? Gary Habermas vs Michael Ruse

29 Jul 2016

Gary Habermas is Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at Liberty University. Michael Ruse is Professor of Philosophy of Science at Florida State University. They debate whether Michael's belief in naturalism (all that exists is the material world)...

Religious experience, relationships & apologetics - Richard Morgan & Frances Janusz

22 Jul 2016

Richard Morgan was an atheist for many years before a sudden epiphany (via the Richard Dawkins website) brought him to Christian faith. He enjoys dialoguing online with other atheists but finds apologetics limited in how far it can persuade people. 8...

The Conference 2016 Highlights show + Unbelievable Live in the USA

15 Jul 2016

Justin presents some highlights from this year’s Unbelievable Conference including the opening address by evangelist J.John, and snippets from the Reaching Young People, Rules of Engagement and What If They Ask Me? Seminar streams. The show concludes...

The Ex-atheist & the Ex-Christian – Holly Ordway & Vanessa James

8 Jul 2016

Holly Ordway is Professor of English and Director of the M.A. in Apologetics at Houston Baptist University. She was a happy atheist, but was converted to Christianity through apologetics and her love of literature. Vanessa James is a musician who was...

Were the apostles martyred for their faith? Sean McDowell vs Ken Humphreys

1 Jul 2016

The argument that ‘the followers of Jesus wouldn’t have suffered and died for a lie’ is often used as evidence for the resurrection. But in recent years attacks have been mounted on whether the martyrdom accounts of the apostles are reliable. Sean M...

Is God a God of wrath? Joshua Ryan Butler & Brian Zahnd

24 Jun 2016

How should Christians interpret scriptures that describe the 'wrath' of God? Did God punish Jesus on the cross? Are we punished for our sins or do we merely suffer the 'consequences' of them? These and other questions are debated as Joshua Ryan Butle...

Should we Stay or should we Go? Christians debate the EU referendum

18 Jun 2016

Hear the live debate in Woking with 4 speakers putting the Christian case for and against the UK leaving the European Union. Justin Brierley chairs the debate. On the Stay team: Sir Simon Hughes & Gary Streeter MP. On the Go team: Adrian Hilton (...