
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

My friend the atheist churchgoer - Joe Ogborn & Tom Hallam

6 Jan 2017

Joe Ogborn is a Christian who has been going to church in Cambridge with his friend Tom Hallam for several years. But Tom is an atheist. Justin finds out about Joe and Tom's friendship, what impact going to church as a non believer has had on Tom and...

How I lost my child but kept my faith - Jessica Kelley

31 Dec 2016

In a New Year's Eve special, Justin interviews two women involved in theology and apologetics in different ways.  Jessica Kelley describes the heart-breaking story of losing her 4 year old son Henry to brain cancer. She also explains how adopting a &...

The Star of Bethlehem - Fact or Fiction? Colin Nicholl, Aaron Adair & Mark Kidger

23 Dec 2016

In a Christmas Eve edition of the show Justin is joined by Christian guest Colin Nicholl, atheist Aaron Adair and agnostic Mark Kidger, each of whom has written a book on the star of a Bethlehem from different perspectives. Nicholl says his research...

Was Hitler anti-Christian? Richard Weikart vs Richard Carrier

16 Dec 2016

Hitler is often claimed to have been an atheist or a Christian by believers and skeptics eager to put the dictator in the other's camp. Christian historian Richard Weikart argues he was neither in his new book "Hitler's Religion: The twisted bel...

Finding God in the Waves – Mike McHargue and Benn Watts

9 Dec 2016

Mike McHargue – known as ‘Science Mike’ - was a Christian who lost his faith then found it again through science. He tells his story of coming back to faith through an experience on a beach and how he now puts science and Christian faith together. Be...

Does God Exist? David Wood vs Michael Shermer debate

2 Dec 2016

In this podcast only edition of the show you can hear a public debate that took place between Christian apologist David Wood and atheist Michael Shermer. Audio provided by Ratio Christi. Find out more about Ratio Christi https://ratiochristi.org/ Get...

Is design in nature undeniable? Doug Axe vs Keith Fox

25 Nov 2016

Doug Axe is a molecular biologist who says that his work on molecular systems convinced him that life is designed, rather than a result of unguided evolution. He lays out the evidence in the book ‘Undeniable: How biology confirms our intuition that l...

Should modern biology make us rethink theology? Luke Janssen vs Fuz Rana

18 Nov 2016

Luke J Janssen once took a literalistic view of the creation story in scripture. But his studies in biology, genetics and evolution made him change his mind on how Christians should think. His book "Standing on the shoulders of giants: Genesis a...

What happened on the cross? NT Wright & Tom Schreiner. 500th podcast episode.

11 Nov 2016

CORRECTED AUDIO! NT (Tom) Wright's new book "The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus' crucifixion" says that the cross was about much more than Jesus absolving us of sin.  He discusses atonement theology, God's wrat...

Ask NT Wright anything - Listener Q&A

4 Nov 2016

Justin is joined for the first of two shows by renowned Bible scholar NT (Tom) Wright. He answers a variety of questions sent in by both sceptical and Christian listeners. Topics include John's gospel, the resurrection, innerancy and hell. Later in ....

Tim Keller vs Jeremy Rodell - Do humans make sense without God?

28 Oct 2016

NYC's pastor-to-the-sceptics Tim Keller debates atheist Jeremy Rodell. Tim's new book 'Making Sense of God: An invitation to the sceptical' is a prequel to his bestselling 2008 book 'The Reason For God'. Tim is pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church....

Should Christians vote for Trump? Christina Rees, John Zmirak, Eric Metaxas & Tony Campolo

22 Oct 2016

As the most bitter and controversial US election in history approaches its conclusion, Justin is joined by Christians of varying political persuasions. Donald Trump's nomination has split evangelicals, but Hillary Clinton is also disliked by many i.....

What does Revelation say about Hell? Chris Date & Rob Wiesner

14 Oct 2016

Revelation remains a closed book of the New Testament to many Christians. In this episode Justin is joined by Chris Date and Rob Wiesner to talk about the nature of Revelation and what it actually says about Hell and judgement.   Chris Date changed....

Why I changed my mind about Christian history - Tom Holland & Larry Hurtado

7 Oct 2016

Historian Tom Holland recently penned an article for The New Statesman on why he changed his mind about Christianity. Holland is the author of popular books on ancient empires and says his research made him realise how unique Christianity was in its....

Multiverse Show 2: Fine-tuning fights back! Luke Barnes & Max Andrews

30 Sep 2016

Following a recent show in which both guests argued in favour of the multiverse, Justin is joined by Luke Barnes, an Australian physicist whose new book ‘A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos’ makes the case for the fine tuning of our ....