
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Debating ID – Can evolution explain the bacterial flagellum? Jonathan McLatchie vs Keith Fox

23 Feb 2018

A bacterial flagellum acts as the outboard motor on a bacteria. But is the complex arrangement of parts that enable it to do its job a result of design or evolution? Michael Behe first opened the debate on the ‘irreducible complexity’ of biochemical...

Debating embryonic stem cells & biotechnology - Fuz Rana & Robert Stovold

16 Feb 2018

Stem cells are an early development form of cells with the potential to turn into any part of the human system. They are used medically for regenerative therapy to treat many conditions. However stem cells have traditionally been harvested from early...

Is it time to ditch the label ‘evangelical’? Frank Schaeffer, Randal Rauser & Sam Hailes

9 Feb 2018

In the age of Trump, the term ‘evangelical’ is increasingly associated with right-wing political views and fundamentalism. So is the evangelical label a lost cause? Randal Rauser argues we should hold on to the term while Frank Schaeffer, son of the...

Can we find God in a suffering world? Richard Harries & Michael Ruse (+ Jordan B Peterson debate preview)

2 Feb 2018

Lord Richard Harries is the former Bishop of Oxford and a life peer in the House of Lords. His book ‘The Beauty And The Horror: Finding God in a suffering world’ (SPCK) delves into art, history and literature to show why Christianity can make sense o...

Boyd & Copan pt 2 - debating Amalekite destruction & Ananias and Sapphira

26 Jan 2018

In the second part of their debate Greg Boyd and Paul Copan continue their conversation about Boyd's new book The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God in which Boyd sets out a new way of reconciling Old Testament violence with the love of God shown on the...

Greg Boyd & Paul Copan debate Old Testament violence and Boyd's new theology in Crucifixion Of The Warrior God

19 Jan 2018

Greg Boyd's new 2-volume book The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God is a new theological approach to understanding Old Testament violence and warfare through the cross of Christ.  Greg engages in the first of two shows with theologian Paul Copan who hol...

The Tim Farron affair: Are evangelicals no longer welcome in politics? David Robertson & Jonathan Bartley

12 Jan 2018

During his time as leader of the Liberal Democrat party, Tim Farron was repeatedly questioned about his views on homosexuality and gay sex. When he resigned he said “To be a political leader and to live as a committed Christian, has felt impossible f...

Meet a Street Epistemologist: Pascoe Rapacci vs Cameron Bertuzzi

5 Jan 2018

Street Epistemology has become popular among many atheists as a conversational way to interrogate people's spiritual beliefs. Popularised by atheist philosopher Peter Boghossian in his book "A Manual For Creating Atheists" the movement is n...

Is apologetics a dead end? Sean McDowell & Myron B Penner

29 Dec 2017

Myron B Penner wrote 'The End of Apologetics: Christian witness in a postmodern context'. He argues that rational defence of the Christian faith can become a form of idolatry and that modern believers need to rethink their relationship with apologeti...

Debating The Atheist Christmas Carol Album. TyLean Polley & Glen Scrivener

22 Dec 2017

Is it ok to take the Christ out of Christmas carols? That's what TyLean Polley has done with The Atheist Christmas Album. She explains why she's produced an album of classic carols to secular lyrics. Evangelist Glen Scrivener engages with TyLean on w...

Hinge: an atheist & Christian seek the truth about Jesus. Plus Jarrod McKenna interview

15 Dec 2017

Hinge is a brand new documentary style podcast co-hosted by atheist Cory Markum and Christian pastor Drew Sokol. Justin plays out the first episode of Hinge and talks to Cory and Drew about their project to look into the evidence for the historical J...

Was Jesus a failed apocalyptic prophet? Matthew Hartke & Andrew Perriman

8 Dec 2017

After becoming disillusioned with failed prophecies at the charismatic church he was part of, Matthew Hartke lost his faith altogether when he become convinced Jesus himself was a failed apocalyptic prophet. Now an agnostic, Matthew engages with New...

5 Proofs of the Existence of God – Ed Feser vs Arif Ahmed

1 Dec 2017

Ed Feser is a Catholic philosopher whose latest book ‘Five Proofs of the Existence of God’ presents five classical arguments that he believes present compelling evidence for theism. He debates two of the arguments on the show with atheist Cambridge p...

Why we left Mormonism. Lynn Wilder & Corey Miller talk to current Mormon James Holt

24 Nov 2017

Lynn Wilder and Corey Miller are among 4 scholars who tell their story of leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the new book 'Leaving Mormonism'. They engage with Mormon believer James Holt as they discuss Jesus, Joseph Smith, p...

Justin tells the story of Unbelievable? Audiobook chapter 1 bonus episode

22 Nov 2017

With the release of the audiobook version of "Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I'm still a Christian", show host Justin Brierley plays the Introduction and Chapter 1 on this bonus episode. He tells his own story...