
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unlikely: How a Christian evangelist & secular, gay mayor became friends. Kevin Palau & Sam Adams (+ John Dickson)

29 Dec 2018

Justin chats to Kevin Palau of the Luis Palau Association, and Sam Adams, the first openly gay mayor of Portland. They talk about how they worked together, despite their differences, to make a difference in the city of Portland, and the lessons they...

The science behind Christmas: Mark Kidger & Gillian Straine (+ NT Wright)

21 Dec 2018

In a Christmas special Justin is joined by priest and physicist Revd Gillian Straine and agnostic astronomer Mark Kidger of the European Space Agency. They discuss the scientific theories for the star of Bethlehem, who the Magi were and how scientist...

Render unto Caesar - Should the church keep out of economic politics? Andy Walton vs James Price

14 Dec 2018

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby gave a keynote speech at the UK Trade Union Congress in September 2018 calling for the government to change its tax and welfare policies in order to support the neediest in society. James Price of the Taxpaye...

Debating the Statement on Social Justice – Jarrod McKenna & James White

7 Dec 2018

Are ‘social justice warriors’ a danger to the Gospel? In August 2018 a group of conservative Christians in the USA, led by John MacArthur, released The Statement On Social Justice And The Gospel to take a stand against the church being influenced by...

Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams – debating ‘Misquoting Jesus’

30 Nov 2018

In a ‘classic playback’ edition of the show, Justin re-airs the debate he hosted with agnostic Bible scholar Bart Ehrman opposite Christian Bible scholar Peter J Williams. They debate the reliability of the Gospels, textual criticism, and Bart’s clai...

How should gay Christians express their sexuality? David Bennett & Justin Lee

23 Nov 2018

In his new book ‘A War Of Loves’, David Bennett tells his story of being an atheist gay activist who experienced a dramatic conversion to Christianity. David still identifies as gay but lives a celibate lifestyle, holding to traditional Christian sex...

The agnostic and the Bishop on searching for Christ in literature and life - Lord Richard Harries & Sir Anthony Kenny

16 Nov 2018

Lord Richard Harries, former Bishop of Oxford is the author of ‘Haunted by Christ: Modern writers and the struggle for faith’ (SPCK). Philosopher Sir Anthony Kenny, former master of Balliol college Oxford, is the author of ‘Brief Encounters: Notes fr...

Is War justified by Christianity and Nature? Michael Ruse vs Nigel Biggar

9 Nov 2018

As Remembrance services take place to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, Justin is joined by atheist guest Prof Michael Ruse and Christian guest Prof Nigel Biggar to discuss Darwinism, Christianity and just war theory. Michel Ruse is Profe...

Andy Bannister vs Peter Singer – Do we need God to be good?

2 Nov 2018

Justin is joined for the 6th episode of The Big Conversation by moral philosopher and atheist Peter Singer, professor of bioethics at Princeton University, and Christian theologian Andy Bannister of Solas Centre for Public Christianity. They debate w...

Halloween and horror films - Peter Laws & Michael Cummins

26 Oct 2018

Should Christians take part in Halloween festivities? And is it ok to watch grisly horror films? These are the two questions debates by Peter Laws and Michael Cummins ahead of Halloween. Peter Laws is a Baptist minister and lifelong fan of the horror...

A tale of two doubters: Austin Fischer & Ed Atkinson

19 Oct 2018

Austin Fischer is a church pastor who tells the story of his own struggle with doubt in the book ‘Faith In The Shadows: Finding Christ in the midst of doubt’ and how he has kept his faith. Ed Atkinson is a former Christian and co-host of the Doubts A...

Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah? Michael Brown vs Jonathan Romain

12 Oct 2018

Michael Brown is a Messianic Jew and hosts The Line Of Fire radio show in the USA. He engages with liberal UK Reform rabbi Jonathan Romain on whether Jesus fulfilled the role of Messiah.   Michael and Jonathan end up disagreeing on much more than jus...

Daniel Dennett vs Keith Ward: Are we more than matter? Mind, consciousness and free will

5 Oct 2018

In the 5th episode of The Big Conversation, Justin is joined by atheist guest Daniel Dennett and Christian guest Keith Ward. Daniel C Dennett is Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University, USA and a leading naturalist voice in the philosophy of mind...

Hitchens vs Hitchens debate on War and God - podcast special

28 Sep 2018

In this podcast special edition of the show Justin broadcasts the 2008 public debate between Christopher Hitchens and his brother Peter Hitchens. Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) was one of the four so-called ‘horsemen of the new atheism’, well know...

Peterson vs Harris, atheism and the alt-right – Esther O’Reilly and James Croft

20 Sep 2018

Thousands of people recently attended four high-profile debates on religion and atheism between psychology professor Jordan Peterson and atheist writer Sam Harris. Why are Peterson and Harris so influential, especially among young men? Why is Peterso...