
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Is it rational to be a Christian? Justin Brierley debates Rationality Rules at Oxford University

8 Nov 2019

Just swaps his moderator’s chair for being a debater in this week’s live show recorded in front of a student audience at Oxford University.   He engages atheist Stephen Woodford who runs the YouTube channel Rationality Rules on the question ‘Is it ra...

Does consciousness point to God? Sharon Dirckx and Philip Goff

1 Nov 2019

The mystery of mind and consciousness are causing some philosophers to move away from physicalist explanations to theories such as ‘panpsychism’. Philip Goff is a consciousness researcher whose new book ‘Galileo’s Error: Foundations for a new science...

Peter J Williams and Bart Ehrman – Are the Gospels historically reliable?

25 Oct 2019

Arguably, no individual has influenced the course of history more than Jesus of Nazareth. But, can we trust the accounts of his life, death and resurrection? In this latest episode of The Big Conversation from Unbelievable? leading sceptical New Test...

Does the story of evolution match the story of Genesis? Niamh Middleton and Andrew Parker

18 Oct 2019

The first two chapters of Genesis are among the most contested in the Bible when it comes to evolution and faith. Justin is joined by a Christian and agnostic who both claim to show a significant overlap between the Genesis account and evolutionary h...

Has the church misunderstood St Paul? Steve Chalke vs Phil Moore

11 Oct 2019

Church leader Steve Chalke isn’t afraid of causing controversy in the evangelical circles he once moved in. His new book ‘The Lost Message of Paul’ claims that the church has misunderstood the theology of St Paul when it comes to faith, hell and Chri...

Sir Roger Penrose and William Lane Craig – Debating God and the Universe

4 Oct 2019

The Universe: How did it get here and why are we part of it? Celebrated cosmologist Sir Roger Penrose talks to renowned Christian philosopher William Lane Craig about God and the Universe in the 2nd episode of the 2019 season of The Big Conversatio.....

Why be a Christian? Cosmic Skeptic debates Justin on faith, morality and determinism

27 Sep 2019

In this podcast special Justin sits down with atheist Alex O’Connor who runs the popular YouTube channel Cosmic Skeptic. They debate the nature of faith, the moral argument for God and whether Alex’s belief in determinism undercuts his reasons for be...

Do we live on a young or an old earth? Ken Ham vs Jeff Zweerink

20 Sep 2019

Ken Ham is the founder of Answers In Genesis. They promote a Young Earth Creation view of science and scripture, believing the earth is only 6000 years old. They also run the Ark Encounter attraction in Kentucky - a life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark.....

Alister McGrath and Bret Weinstein – Religion: Useful fiction or ultimate truth?

13 Sep 2019

Is religion an evolutionary adaptation that has helped the human species to thrive? Or is there a basis to belief in God that goes beyond biological explanations? Filmed in front of a live audience in London, Bret Weinstein and Alister McGrath addres...

Deconstruction, doubt and finding faith again - Lisa Gungor and Alisa Childers

6 Sep 2019

‘Deconstruction’ has become a buzz word for many people questioning Christian faith. But what happens when we try to reconstruct? Lisa Gungor and Alisa Childers have both had successful careers in the Christian music industry but both went through pr...

Joshua Harris, purity culture and the church: Jessica van der Wyngaard and Sean McDowell

30 Aug 2019

20 years ago Joshua Harris was the poster boy of the evangelical ‘purity movement’ having authored the bestselling book ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’. Today, Harris regrets writing the book, and has also recently changed his mind about Christianity. Just...

2019 Conference highlights - Krish Kandiah, Kristi Mair, Paul Spears, Sarah Lumgair and more

23 Aug 2019

Justin presents a selection of highlights from this year’s Unbelievable? The Conference 2019 in London, including Krish Kandiah on Creating Better Conversations, Kristi Mair on reaching millennials, Sarah Lumgair on Islam and much more. To order the...

Is God the cause of the Universe? Andrew T Loke vs Alex Malpass

16 Aug 2019

Andrew Loke is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Hong Kong Baptist University and the author of ‘God and Ultimate Origins: A Novel Cosmological Argument’ in which he makes a number of philosophical arguments for God as the cause of th...

CS Lewis, Tolkien and Barfield: How the Inklings made sense of faith - Mark Vernon and Malcolm Guite (+ Michael Ward and Daniel Ray)

9 Aug 2019

The Inklings were a group of academics, authors and poets who met regularly in Oxford to discuss each other’s work and included Christian intellectuals such as CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien and Owen Barfield. Mark Vernon's new book ‘A Secret History of Chris...

Bruxy Cavey and Paul Carter: An Anabaptist and Reformed pastor discuss their differences

2 Aug 2019

Is Bruxy a heretic? Bruxy Cavey is teaching pastor at The Meeting House in Ontario, one of the largest churches in Canada. As the church has grown, some of Bruxy’s doctrinal positions have been strongly criticised by certain Reformed voices. The word...